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Snake-bite in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2024-06-27Updated:2024-06-27
Similar words: snakebitesnakesnake pitsnake oilsnake eyessea snakerat snakesnake-like
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1, Three people have recently died from snakebites.
2, Wrapped in copious instruction leaflets and next to a neat pile of syringes, formidable quantities of snakebite serum had thoughtfully been provided.
3, Their neurotoxin produces effects similar to those seen in snakebite victims, although the number of deaths from lizard-bites is extremely small.
4, There were high snakebite weeds at several points, both clockwise and counter.
5, Somewhere among the mass of sores and cuts on his leg was a snakebite.
6, So the typical snakebite victim is stabbed rather than bitten.
7, The second snake-bite episode led to increased curiosity.
8, Self-contained...even to such detail as a snake-bite outfit.
9, A majority of snake-bite victims seek traditional treatment and may die at home unrecorded.
More similar words: snakebitesnakesnake pitsnake oilsnake eyessea snakerat snakesnake-likesnakeheadsnakelikesnakeskinsnake riverwater snakegreen snakegrass snakesnake venomgarter snakerattlesnakesnake charmersnake in the grassa snake in the grasssnakes and ladderslove bitetake the bitter with the sweetsnakydebitebitdadebit sidedebit notephlebitis
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