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Simplistic in a sentence

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Sentence count:98+1Posted:2017-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: simplifysimplicitysimplificationpessimisticballisticholisticballisticsrealistic
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61. Our Linear rails are very economical due to the simplistic design and efficient production facility.
62. When you look at the "experts" using pop science and simplistic reductionist explanations to prove porn is evil, they are overwhelmingly Christian.
63. Some practitioners will fulfil these roles, often acting unethically in judging celebrities or making sex science seem vacuous or over simplistic.
64. They had an equally simplistic view of me which pivoted on money.
65. Are these simple words an outcome of David's simplistic and na? ve life?
66. The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the questions is too simplistic.
67. A simplistic comment, perhaps, but this is a commentator who specializes in being provocative.
68. "So much of what we thought we knew about Tyrannosaur evolution turns out to be simplistic or out-and-out wrong, " said Stephen Brusatte, a member of the team.
69. The relative price effect is a fallacy, or at least, too simplistic.
70. Again, It'sounds way too simplistic, and of course are problems.
71. The video editor provided by JayCut is rather simplistic, with some core funtionality and a few effects options.
72. The Ascension in simplistic terms, is the expansion of the earth from the (magnetic) polarity of the 1st three dimensions to the zero-point fields of the crystalline dimensions.
73. The manufacturing of tire cord fabric is currently too simplistic , suffering from low technical level and over-capacity, whereas products made with high-tech are in short demand.
74. The simplistic logic of Scientific Management breaks down when you consider the human aspects.
75. But at the same time, the simplistic sloganeering that goes on the in U. S. about China only intensifies those problems and makes them harder to resolve.
76. The following exercise, while overly simplistic, may nevertheless be helpful in understanding the problem.
77. Mr Bush had a simplistic tendency to see the world through ideological and partisan spectacles.
77. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
78. In this case, the simplistic GUI aids the user in error - free operation.
79. For entailed and simplistic marketing cost management, imperfect marketing cost control system, the company marketing benefit has been affected.
80. He hit back angrily, saying such remarks were childishly simplistic.
81. I’ve been thinking about simplicity a lot lately and I’ve identified a key ingredient to living a simplistic life; contentedness.
82. In the past, our understanding of this issue was quite superficial and simplistic.
83. In a very simplistic situation where a user-base application is CPU bound, it would be ideal to create a matrix that compares processor allocation to a reasonable number of concurrent users.
84. Scholars have suggested that because the edicts say nothing about the philosophical aspects of Buddhism, Asoka had a simplistic and naive understanding of the Dhamma.
85. Mr Clarke disputes the simplistic link between rising incarceration and falling crime.
86. It is overly simplistic to think that a non-exclusive jurisdiction clause fully maintains the parties' freedom to conduct disputes in any jurisdiction they wish.
87. Critics may complain that the novel's central conceit is rather simplistic.
88. And we've used a relatively simplistic term called Neutron Multiplication Factor which is the K that if the K equals one the neutron population is steady as is the fission rate.
89. This runs counter to the desire for headlines and simplistic answers and our thirst for personalities.
90. Brandname ads are usually splashy or simplistic image ads overover for brand saturation.
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