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Segregated in a sentence

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Sentence count:110+5Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: desegregatesegregationaggregatecongregateaggregationvariegatedregretregressMeaning: ['segrɪgeɪt]  adj. separated or isolated from others or a main group. 
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(31) When the larva first began to develop from the egg, its cells were segregated into two groups.
(32) Adapting the curriculum just for children with special educational needs may lead to their becoming increasingly isolated and segregated within the classroom.
(33) Republicans have refused to take part in any prison work and have demanded to be segregated from other inmates.
(34) When children are segregated by ability groups, a social hierarchy develops.
(35) It is, indeed, the case that groups that are highly segregated show high degrees of in-marriage.
(36) Quite the opposite - the more they can be segregated from motor traffic, the better.
(37) But in both these situations she is marked as unclean and is segregated, as in both cases she bleeds.
(38) The two functions were therefore segregated and resulted in a substantial improvement.
(39) Wondering about grasshopper eyes, about segregated schools, wanting to know more about this journey to the West looking for work.
(40) They had been strictly segregated from the ladies and gentlemen who entered by the front entrance and walked on carpet.
(41) The armed forces, however, remained essentially segregated and many whites continues to resist changes in race relations.
(42) Amazingly, this policy holds for students formerly segregated into special education classes.
(43) MANs are usually segregated hierarchically into smaller LANs that are interconnected using devices called bridges.
(44) But apart from such outings, much of the organized sociability surrounding the printing-offices was, as we have already noted, segregated.
(45) It was much more segregated than the police force and people rarely served in their home area.
(46) Yet in many urban gay male settings, life is segregated by age to an almost astonishing degree.
(47) She was struggling to save a patchwork system of segregated education by piecemeal projects.
(48) Significantly, more recent housing in the same development has been constructed without either high-rise building or segregated traffic arrangements.
(49) A court decision in 1954 ruled that segregated education was not constitutional.
(50) Moreover[], current cost accounting strictly demands that a business's cash book be segregated into capital and revenue cash.
(51) But despite the well-meaning ring of colorblind ideals, you can not demand sameness of language while perpetuating segregated education.
(52) They would be segregated from members of the caste system and lived on the outskirts of villages or in their own communities.
(53) He scrapped segregated dining rooms and often walked around barefoot and in casual dress, eating bananas.
(54) Men and women are segregated on the beaches and even the ski slopes.
(55) I could see using them if this were a segregated school.
(56) Some even feared deviation from their own narrow path, as if deviants were excluded from heaven or segregated.
(57) They too were segregated into wagons for families and those for single men.
(58) All foods are strictly segregated into vegetarian and non-vegetarian lines.
(59) His first public act was to preach in the biggest white church in this segregated city.
(60) What remains of Douglass School, built in 1910 and the first-known segregated school for blacks in Phoenix?
More similar words: desegregatesegregationaggregatecongregateaggregationvariegatedregretregressegregiousregressivegregariousnegatedelegateintegratedsubjugateddegreeregaleregardregainmegatonnegativenegationallegationregardingas regardsdisregardabnegationdelegationrelegationnegatively
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