Synonym: despoil, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, rob, steal. Similar words: drift, flee, terrific, fleet, flexible, reflection, esterification, flexibility. Meaning: ['raɪfl] n. a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore. v. 1. steal goods; take as spoils 2. go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way.
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91. Fifteen-year-old Nicola Child was blasted with an air rifle in a cruel prank.
92. He shouldered the rifle, took two steps and leaned in.
93. Now I get my rifle ready and brace myself, making sure of my footing.
94. Joseph was shrouded beneath a grey, black-striped blanket, and rested his rifle across his saddle pommel.
95. Towyn north beach good for dogfish but flounder and dabs reported from the southern section at Penllyn and the rifle range.
96. Linda Smith got on the wrong side of the National Rifle Association recently.
97. They also denied trying to murder three police officers and possessing a rifle with intent to endanger life.
98. His arm shook and he tightened his grip on the stock of the rifle to still it.
99. Without glasses she couldn't even begin to play lawn tennis or aim a rifle.
100. Police said he was shot by a standard issue SA80 rifle, one of the Army's deadliest weapons.
101. Then he picked up a long poker from the fireplace and had it like a rifle when he played the tape again.
102. The National Rifle Association and other advocates of firearms rights are expected to vigorously oppose these proposals.
103. By nightfall all the rifle companies had been over-run; some sections,[] and platoons from these companies extricated themselves at nightfall.
104. After dark, the gooks fired a recoilless rifle into the firebase.
105. The other time I came near to being shot was in May, when nobody should have been firing a rifle.
106. My heroes were mountain men, who had calloused hands and knew how to handle an ax and a rifle.
107. When Charlie heard the news of victory he was training some raw recruits on a rifle range in Edinburgh.
108. The guide picked up the rifle, shot and castrated him, and made off.
109. Rainbow, whose Wyakin served him only after sunrise, fell in the first attack when his rifle jammed.
110. He would cock his head and peer into my eyes the way Marine Drill Instructors check rifle actions for lint.
111. Day Five saw the teams on the rifle ranges at Bulford.
112. The National Rifle Association says taggants in gunpowder might act like a match struck near gasoline.
113. It's like he's squinting down the sights of a rifle at me.
114. He held a loaded rifle thrust before him, as though it were bayoneted and he was advancing on a rioting crowd.
115. So,( we pulled back and sat outside of rifle range and watched the gunships work over this small forest.
116. The Khans will tell you that many have now replaced the rifle with another potent weapon, the squash racquet.
117. Virtually all the guards carried at least a side-arm and, usually, a semi-automatic rifle.
118. It did, for the gun he took was an almost silent air rifle.
119. They sent him to sniper school, put a scope on his rifle, and that was the last of it.
120. The Corporal stood over him and raised the butt of his rifle.
More similar words: drift, flee, terrific, fleet, flexible, reflection, esterification, flexibility.