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Repetitiveness in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2018-06-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: competitivenessrepetitiverepetitivelyrepetitionrepetitioussecretivenesspositivenesssensitivenessMeaning: [rɪ'petɪtɪvnɪs]  n. verboseness resulting from excessive repetitions. 
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1. The repetitiveness of the work really got me down after a while.
2. Management critique Hates repetitiveness; focuses on the main objectives, rather than on getting details of individual tasks right.
3. So it measure result have high credibility and repetitiveness.
4. Keep in mind for ever: repetitiveness is power.
5. How do you handle the repetitiveness of certain design job a long time?
6. Only use boilerplate macros when the savings in repetitiveness clearly outweigh the negatives of implicit functionality.
7. Stable plasma equilibrium and discharge waveforms with good repetitiveness and wide flat top are obtained, which are of particular advantage for physical experiments.
8. The relation between the electronic counting scale repetitiveness and sample discreteness.
9. Milton shows us he's fully escaped from the repetitiveness of the "yet once more"-beginning.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. The measurement stability and repetitiveness of the laser interferometer is improved by means of convenient mode inhibiting technique.
11. Via the tests on the repetitiveness , accuracy and the stability, supposed this method was reliable.
12. Such idea comes from the observation of the repetitiveness of the multimedia content. The attack procedure replaces each signal block with another computed one.
13. Though Minton's interest in youth fuelled his teaching, he could not escape the bane of its repetitiveness.
14. Using molding methods to produce small aspherical elements is the best economic way with the best repetitiveness.
15. The experiment showed that ISSR marker could distinguish the difference of monad strains to avoid the blindness and repetitiveness and to effectively reduce the workload.
16. You've also been introduced to an example set of utility methods that remove much of the repetitiveness involved in setting the required accessibility values.
17. This kind of filter keeps a lot of merits such as compact structure, small insert loss, fine controllability, wide adjusting range, rapid response rate,( good repetitiveness and so on.
18. C , unique localization structure and precision high mere distance system, guarantee the exactness and repetitiveness of the measurement value effectively.
19. The influencing factors such as the quantity of isobutylene and reaction time on yield were discussed. And a series of experiments showed that the method had good repetitiveness and stability.
20. During the civil war Ivan Bunin, a writer, noted the" extreme repetitiveness" of Russian history, " its fatal peculiarity of always moving forward in circles".
21. Next week Jamie Phillips concludes his three-part series by showing how VS2010 project templates can be used to remove the repetitiveness of setting up test cases and projects.
22. Karl · Poppe held that any law had the traits of universality, repetitiveness and predictability.
23. And so as a way of understanding what at this point is really the sheer repetitiveness of this disclaimer, I want to propose a metaphor.
24. The perks of baseball travel soon diminish for many players just because of the season's routine and repetitiveness .
More similar words: competitivenessrepetitiverepetitivelyrepetitionrepetitioussecretivenesspositivenesssensitivenessinquisitivenessacquisitivenesscompetitiveappetitivecompetitivelyuncompetitivecompetitive edgecompetitive pricecompetitive marketinventivenessactivenessrestivenessamativenesscreativenesscombativenessassertivenesstalkativenessattentivenessobjectivenesseffectivenessreceptivenessretentiveness
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