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Reestablish in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2017-10-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: establishestablishedestablishmentwell establishedestablishment ofantiestablishmentestablished practicesfree stateMeaning: ['rɪːɪ'stæblɪʃ]  v. bring back into original existence, use, function, or position. 
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31. Urban civilization begins in Sumer Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur.
32. Your habit, your conditioning , is to scramble to reestablish, somehow, a sense of Identity.
33. Creating a sustainable deltaic system requires to reestablish the processes that originally created the landscape.
34. They tried to develop a new and feminist epistemology to replace the traditional mode of androcentrism epistemology, and reestablish science and knowledge system.
35. To reestablish the joint line and set the component rotation, we referenced the femoral epicondylar axis.
36. Gretchen buys a disposable phone reestablish contact with the buyer.
37. Nonetheless, he soon managed to reestablish the old order and old rituals in the Zurich flat.
38. In our special audit circumstance, we must reestablish CPA audit goal, which should be disclosing falsehood and errors as much as identifying the truth and fairness in a company.
39. Open VB to reestablish first check valve differential pressure. Close VB. Record pressure differential.
40. Ensure that your network is up, and reestablish your network connection as needed.
41. Soon after Tyler took office, Congress passed a bill to reestablish the Bank. Tyler vetoed it and also a second such bill,( calling them unconstitutional and against states' rights.
42. We need a work vacation or two every year in order to reorient ourselves and reestablish our sense of perspective.
43. Whites believed that they had to confiscate black people's guns in order to reestablish white supremacy and prevent blacks from fighting back.
44. During the regime of him, Constantine I made efforts on promoting a series of economic, political, military and religious new policies, expecting to reestablish the empire of Rome.
45. Objective To reestablish cell polarity of hepatocytes cultured in vitro.
46. From this level, the old trend can reestablish itself if it breaks through the old 38 % level.
47. Pulling away allows him to reestablish his personal boundaries and fulfill his need to feet autonomous.
48. The national carrier says it plans to reestablish routes to Europe next year.
49. How to reestablish the prosperity of the business and reshape enterprise image?
50. His election also given the US the opportunity to reestablish its moral leadership around the world.
More similar words: establishestablishedestablishmentwell establishedestablishment ofantiestablishmentestablished practicesfree statepublishabletestabledetestableincontestabledestabilisationfreestylesee starspublishpublisherpublishedunpublishedpublishingstablystablepublishing houseunstableconstablestablemandesktop publishingadjustabledestabilizedestabilization
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