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Reduced in a sentence

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Sentence count:271+36Posted:2017-06-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inducedproducedreduceeducededuceseduceadduceinduceMeaning: [rɪ'duːst /-'dju-]  adj. 1. made less in size or amount or degree 2. well below normal (especially in price). 
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211, Attendances have increased since we reduced the price of tickets.
212, The water in the stream had been reduced to a trickle.
213, One of the most important aspects of franchising is the reduced risk of business failure it offers to franchisees.
214, NATO says it will keep a reduced number of modern nuclear weapons to guarantee peace.
215, Excess noise can be reduced by muting alarms and telephones.
216, Mindful of the poor road conditions, she reduced her speed to 30 mph.
217, The reduced tax is a major inducement for first-time buyers.
218, The leaders agreed that missile production would be reduced.
219, Is the size difference an adaptation to reduced competition?
220, Issues such as job assignments and reduced overtime are worked out ahead of time.
221, Extra staff have been engaged to deal with the additional work and the backlog has been significantly reduced.
222, In view of the substantial sums of money involved, risks must be reduced to the absolute minimum.
223, Joint administrative receiver Murdoch McKillop said cuts were part of a scaling down of production to meet reduced demand.
224, Tension can be reduced and warmth increased with soft, warm hellos, friendly smiles, and long, affectionate hugs.
225, Besides increased miscarriage risk, the UC-Davis study also found a reduced ability to get pregnant linked to glycol ethers.
226, Meanwhile, the wave of consolidation in financial services has reduced the pool of big advertisers on news and finance shows.
227, He complained that it reduced his ability to walk around which was already somewhat restricted by arthritis.
228, Both drugs significantly reduced fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption.
229, Because their environment had been reduced the pandas had no alternative but to remain where there was no food.
230, That has now been reduced to 15 and the problem is at its most acute in East Swindon.
231, The alligator, though pursued for its hide and much reduced in numbers,( is not in present danger of extinction.
232, It seems, then, that participation in sport is associated with reduced absenteeism.
233, Low cost endowment business through building society and estate agency connections up 19% despite reduced mortgage lending.
234, Employers' social security contributions were reduced by 4.3 percent from Jan. 1, 1993, and income tax allowances were reduced.
235, A reduced short chain fatty acid concentration has also been reported in pouch contents from patients with pouchitis compared with those without.
236, Senior State Department officials say reduced funding also directly affects policy.
237, Such reduced absenteeism is a social benefit in that it reduces public expenditure through the statutory sick-pay scheme.
238, Television broadcasting was to be reduced, as were air conditioning, street lighting and floodlit sports events.
239, The reduced bile acid absorption is likely to reflect damage to the terminal ileal mucosa.
240, The Daily Mail and Daily Mirror ... reduced coverage of political, social and economic affairs during the inter-war period.
More similar words: inducedproducedreduceeducededuceseduceadduceinduceconduceproducetraduceproducerintroducereproduceinducementreintroducereductionreducibleirreduciblereductio ad absurdumsaucetrucesaucerfaucetlucentlettucesprucesoy saucespruce uptranslucent
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