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Pily in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2018-09-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: happilysloppilysleepilygrumpilyunhappilypilipilepill
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(1) Before a few years, pily spot market a few a few fall, close close stop.
(2) Cotton marketed a tissue 1926 ( pily market sale is organized ) hold water.
(3) Purchase seed cotton, ensure quality becomes pily branch and cotton grower well - advised choice.
(4) Pily price annulus is compared drop, rise compared to the same period.
(5) Those who await 8 years is long, zhengzhou Commodity Exchange appears on the market permissibly pily futures breed.
(6) Undoubted, acid test and challenge are for this generator to pily industry, person that machine, operator.
More similar words: happilysloppilysleepilygrumpilyunhappilypilipilepillspilepilotpiluspupilpilespiledpilafpilarspiltspillpilosepilatepilsenpile-uppilaffpile uppile outcompilepillowpileuppilferpiling
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