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Pilaff in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2018-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pilaflaffer curvepilarinternational affairspilatepilasterdepilatecompilationMeaning: n. rice cooked in well-seasoned broth with onions or celery and usually poultry or game or shellfish and sometimes tomatoes. 
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1. Shrimp pilaff, please. And also coffee, please.
2. Pilaff is good taste.
3. I'll take pilaff. What kind of pilaff do you have?
4. But twice a day my guard brought pilaff, and twice a day I wolfed it down.
5. Lunch and dinner were always the same—a tin plate piled with a suspicious pilaff, mostly rice with occasional bits of lamb and shreds of vegetable matter of indeterminate origin.
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