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Phloroglucinol in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2022-05-27Updated:2022-05-27
Similar words: hallucinogenchlorophenolhallucinogenichallucinogenic drugglucidephloretinchlorofluorocarbonchloro-fluorocarbons
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1. Serum D -xylose was determined by phloroglucinol color-developing method.
2. Phloroglucinol was prepared from sodium trinitrobenzoate through catalytic reduction and pressurizedhydrolysis in 62 % overall yield.
3. Objective: To explore the clinic value of phloroglucinol injection in ureteroscope examination.
4. Objective To research and develop phloroglucinol and sodium chloride injection in order to meet the clinical request, and to build up the methods of the quality control.
5. METHODS Phloroglucinol and p-hydroxy phenyl acetic acid were used as the major reactants to synthesize the target compound by a two-step method.
6. A new phloroglucinol method is proposed to determine free gossypol in cotton seed.
7. Conclusion Phloroglucinol combined with progesterone has better efficacy and fewer side effects in treatment of threatened abortion, which deserves clinical application.
8. Phloroglucinol is an antineoplastic effective compound from Dryopteria Crassirhizoma Nakai.
9. The method of phloroglucinol to determine the content of wheat pentosan was discussed as well.
10. The other two new compounds were phloroglucinol derivative and dihydrophenanthrene derivative, respectively.
11. Kaempferol was synthesized form phloroglucinol and p hydroxybenzaldehyde in five steps. The overall yield is 25.7%.
12. This paper introduced the determination of superoxide dismutase activity by the substitution of phloroglucinol for pyrogallol.
13. The total gossypol and free gossypol in edible cottonseed protein are determined by phloroglucinol colorimetry.
14. This new method has changed the extracting agent of original phloroglucinol method, developing agent preparation is also improved.
15. Objective To examine the effect of intravenous injection of phloroglucinol plus hand cervical dilation.
16. Many plants belonging to Hypericum L. are traditional medicinal herbs and their secondary metabolites such as naphthodianthrone, flavonoid and phloroglucinol have many pharmacological effects.
17. The result of water soluble pentosans determined by this method was similar to that by phloroglucinol method, but slightly lower content of total pentosans was determined by the
18. This article studies a new method of determining trace formaldehyde by phloroglucinol . The application conditions of color reagent are investigated.
19. Objective To observe the effects of intravenous injection with phloroglucinol plus artificial rupture of fetal membranes on stages of labor.
More similar words: hallucinogenchlorophenolhallucinogenichallucinogenic drugglucidephloretinchlorofluorocarbonchloro-fluorocarbonshallucinatechloromachloroformchlorosischlorotichallucinatoryhallucinatinghallucinationchlorophylchlorophytachloroplastchloroprenechlorophyllchloroquinechlorohydrinchlorophyll achlorobenzenechlorophyllinchloromethaneresorcinolepichlorohydrinperchloroethylene
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