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Parkinson's in a sentence

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Sentence count:116+1Posted:2018-08-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: parkinson's lawparkinson's diseaseparkinson's syndromeparkinsonparkingsparkingparking lotparking areaMeaning: n. a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by tremor and impaired muscular coordination. 
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(61) Objective To investigate the roles of glutamate carriers and complex of mitochondria in the pathogenesy of Parkinson's disease.
(62) Objective To investigate the mechanism and summary the clinical experience of Parkinson's disease (PD) treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the bi-lateral subthalamic nucleus (STN).
(63) Some diseases as Parkinson's and Sjogren's asas certain medications also cause dryness.
(64) Parkinson's, a neurological disorder in which some of the brain cells that control movement die, had made him unable to walk.
(65) The role of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine may ultimately suggest new Parkinson's disease treatments.
(66) Deep brain stimulation is used to treat conditions including Parkinson's disease , essential tremor, and multiple sclerosis .
(67) Objective: Treatment with ergot-derived dopamine agonists, pergolide, and cabergoline has been associated with an increased frequency of valvular heart disease in Parkinson's disease.
(68) Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder, which attacks parts of the brain that control movement.
(69) To launch the 23andMe Parkinson's initiative, the organizers publically invited anyone with Parkinson's disease to participate.
(70) Background Ergot-derived dopamine receptor agonists, often used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, have been associated with an increased risk of valvular heart disease.
(71) Parkinson's Disease : Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disease that affects movement and muscle control.
(72) Objective To study the mechanism of dopaminergic neuronal death in substantia nigra of Parkinson's disease (PD).
(73) Continuous dopaminergic drug delivery is an unmet medical need in advanced Parkinson's disease.
(74) Objective To study the long-term effects of deep brain stimulation(DBS)of bilateral subthalamic nuclei(STN)on depressive disorder in Parkinson's disease(PD)and to discuss its neurological mechanism.
(75) Their physical changes were caused by a sickness known as Parkinson's disease.
(76) Parkinson's disease destroys the brain's nerve cells responsible for muscle control.
(77) But it could also make it easier to treat Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease and muscular dystrophy.
(78) Neurostimulators are already approved to treat conditions such as Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, and dystonia, as well as obsessive compulsive disorder.
(79) " Ichikawa's film is also permitted by Martin Scorsese, Parkinson's Blackman , such as the impact of the director: "He told me at that time, hoping to beat the Department of Berkman's film tribute.
(80) The FDA has already approved DBS as a treatment for neurologic disorders, including essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, dystonia, and severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.
(81) One exciting outcome of the study was that participants formed tight-knit groups in the online community based on their common experience with Parkinson's disease.
(82) We believe we can use this same technology for Alzheimer's, motor neurone disease, Parkinson's and Huntington's.
(83) Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease are related movement disorders that have seemingly opposing symptoms.
(84) With Parkinson's syndrome, for example, the cause of this disease is that dopamine-producing brain cell death, leading to a sharp decline in dopamine levels, which led to the disease.
(85) Graham knows he needs to save strength: he is fighting Parkinson's disease.
(86) BACKGROUND: Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus is an increasingly common treatment for Parkinson's disease.
(87) Parkinson's Law of Delay: Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
(88) It was reminiscent of British historian can not help Parkinson's Connaught 's " officialdom's disease - Parkinson's Law. "
(89) Ali - pictured here with daughter Laila, who has also tried her luck in the ring - now suffers from Parkinson's Syndrome.
(90) Furthermore, endogenous toxin formation in the brain leads to a variety of processes that initiate nigral cell death in Parkinson's disease.
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