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Organogenesis in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: parthenogenesisoogenesisbiogenesishistogenesisontogenesisabiogenesisosteogenesisangiogenesis
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1. The morphology and anatomy of shoot organogenesis and plant regeneration from rachis of garlic(Allium sativum L.
2. The systematic implications of floral organogenesis and development of H. bodinieri are discussed.
3. Brasenia quite differs from Nymphaea in floral organogenesis, so it shouldn' t be treated in the same family with Nymphaea(, and should be separated from Nymphaeaceae.
4. Recent advances in cardiac organogenesis and the genetics of human congenital heart disease will be presented in order to promote mechanistic connections in heart development and disease.
5. The research advance on organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis and protoplast regeneration system of soybean are introduced in this paper.
6. Parallel to the role that normal stem cells play in organogenesis , cancer stem cells are thought to be crucial for tumorigenesis.
7. The heart is one of first organs to form during organogenesis in the vertebrate.
8. The virus traverses the placenta and, may seriously interfere with organogenesis.
9. Effects of seedling stage, genotype and explant type on in vitro somatic organogenesis of cucumber were investigated.
10. The heart is one of first structures to form during organogenesis invertebrate .
11. Multiple shoots were induced on cotyledon nodes of soybean by means of organogenesis.
12. The heart is one of first structures to form during organogenesis in the vertebrate.
12. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
13. The stasis phenomenon of gynoecium development occurred in floral organogenesis of Reineckia and the abortion of microspore and ovule may be the important causes of its low seed bearing ratio.
14. Developmental biology on the other hand, provides us with a basic understanding and frame work of gene function during pattern formation and organogenesis.
15. The heart is one of the first formed structures during organogenesis in vertebrate.
16. Shoot apices and inflorescence respectively regeneratebamboo plantlets by means of organogenesis and embryogenesis.
17. We infer that UPR could win more time for the stressed cells for repairing their functions in the process of migration to their destination in organogenesis.
18. Histological observations on the processes of callus initiation and organogenesis have been made.
19. TDZ(thidiazuron), the most active cytokinin-like substance is one of phenylurea and has been shown important effect on shoot proliferation and shoot organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis, and so on.
20. Although there were few reports on plant regeneration from callus and somatic embryogenesis, organogenesis is still the principle method for plantlet regeneration of carnation.
21. The paper summarizes the researches and advances ir. taxonomy , systematics, anatomy, floral organogenesis and reproduction biology hoping to help the researches of these plants to some extent.
22. The feature of HVT together with the recent establishment of trophoblast stem cells makes them an ideal genetic platform to study cell differentiation and organogenesis.
More similar words: parthenogenesisoogenesisbiogenesishistogenesisontogenesisabiogenesisosteogenesisangiogenesisphylogenesispathogenesisneurogenesisgametogenesismorphogenesischondrogenesisgluconeogenesisspermatogenesisosteogenesis imperfectagenesisorganonpolygenesispalingenesisbook of genesisbusiness organizationorganorgandyorgansmorganorganicgeneral anesthesiaorganize
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