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Nylon in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+12Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: any longervinylloneralonelong.longcall oncolonMeaning: ['naɪlɑn /'naɪlɒn]  n. 1. a thermoplastic polyamide; a family of strong resilient synthetic fibers 2. a synthetic fabric. 
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121 Ultrasoft nylon: A very lightweight and super-soft nylon fabric used for Mountain Equipment's top range of sleeping bags.
122 A lightweight Polarlite fleece has been lined with a windproof nylon Pertex shell.
123 I had seen silk stockings at celebrations, but they were nothing compared to nylon.
124 He wore white loafers, shiny blue nylon sweat pants, and a white golf shirt a size or two too small.
125 The inner is made from ripstop nylon and is erected first.
126 A nylon webbing strap is wrapped around the frame and is then tightened using a ratchet action of the clamp head.
127 man-made fibres such as nylon and polyester.
128 Nylon yarn, nylon and polyester fabric.
129 Padded nylon carrying pouch with shoulder strap included.
130 Filter Material: Nylon fib red synthetic resin.
131 The abrasive grain is impregnated in nylon.
132 ALS start Laying the material for nylon 66.
133 Europe's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium.
134 Nylon seat with hydrophilic hard to age and burst.
135 The base fiber may be nylon, Dacron or orlon.
136 Can you distinguish cotton cloth from nylon?
137 This is alpaca, mixed with nylon.
138 Product: Nylon, aluminum Alloy Etc Tow line.
139 Introduce:Nylon tyre cord fabric, motorcycles, napkin machine, bearings.
140 Products wanted: Paper, plastic and nylon tnt bags with print.
141 Transmitters were attached to nesting females using a backpack - like harness made of nylon webbing.
142 Combination of full grain Suede leather and 1200 denier nylon upper.
143 This article summarizes Nylon Bag Technique to evaluate monogastric animal feed nutritional value and the influence determination result factor aspect research progress.
144 The new Elasta - Nylon formula flexes without flaking, giving you extreme,( notice - me lashes all day long.
145 Nylon fastening tapes with AZO free are available for 108 colours.
146 From the upstream raw material situation, CPL, nylon chips market was in a downward adjustment.
147 His eyes snared on the teal nylon of the fanny pack, and it felt as if all sixteen years of his life he'd worn her naivete through the streets like a crown of thorns.
148 Use nylon to insure the mop to stand wear and tear, several lifetimes than the plastic ones.
149 Nylon shove, polyester habotai and oxford chambray coated with polyvinylchloride are current value-added products because their appearance and hand-touch are similar to those of natural membrane.
150 These fabrics are made of such fibers as polypropylene, olefin, polyester, nylon, and acrylic.
More similar words: any longervinylloneralonelong.longcall oncolongallonsalonblondlonelyalongfelontell onlongerlet alonefor longlong forpull onbelongcolonydwell onlong agoget alongprolongall alongno longercome alongcolonial
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