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Nutty in a sentence

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Sentence count:101+2Posted:2017-05-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: unutterablepeanut buttercoconut treea hard nut to cracknitty-grittywittysnottyknottyMeaning: ['nʌtɪ]  adj. 1. having the flavor of nuts 2. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular. 
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(61) Nutty lay awake in the small hours, worrying herself stupid.
(62) This sibling confection is steamed, not baked, nutty and almost as rich.
(63) Excelso has a nutty flavour and Medellin is very fragrant.
(64) I can eat no more of the wild rice which tastes nutty and clings to the roof of my mouth.
(65) It has a rich nutty flavour and a full bodied bouquet.
(66) Their antifreeze was already gone,(Sentence dictionary) and they now had a pleasant nutty flavor that I thought I could get to like.
(67) But their lives are shattered when a nutty friend goes on a shooting spree, injuring Luna and killing Wren.
(68) It had not occurred to Nutty how accustomed they had become to the steamy swimming baths and the seventy-five degree water.
(69) A fairly attractive loaf; has a good, nutty, cooked aroma and slightly salty taste. Soft, spongy texture.
(70) In Brown Butter Almond Cake you can really taste the nutty flavor of brown butter.
(71) Nutty dare not discuss it with her. There was a side to Biddy which they were all nervous of.
(72) Nutty had a glimpse of the bus-driver, pop-eyed, standing on his brakes.
(73) That idea was pretty nutty. Not to mention stupid.
(74) You had a nutty, chocolate-y, kind of cakey,( pie thing that.
(75) Flaxseed. Bakers use this nutty - flavored seed mainly to add flavor and fiber.
(76) Good acidity , moderate body, really sweet , nutty aroma with smooth, rich flavor.
(77) Toasted sesame oil A nutty - tasting oil used for flavouring. A little goes a long way.
(78) Caraway has a nutty smell and is also an herb useful to digestion.
(79) "It seems kind of nutty to send up something new when there's something already there that can do the job, "says Barry Barish of Caltech.
(80) Palate: A mouth-filling, voluptuous wine with complex fruit flavours of fig, passion fruit and tropical banana on a bed of nutty baked bread and creamy yeast nuances.
(81) The third feature of the elections was a sour and negative mood, shown not merely in a low turnout but also in wide support for a ragbag of far-right, populist, anti-EU or plain nutty parties.
(82) Good acidity , moderate body, really sweet , nutty aroma with smooth, flavor.
(83) Tom is as nutty as a fruitcake. They will put him in a nuttery someday.
(84) But the nut race doesn't go quite as planned - and soon turns a nutty nut chase!
(85) Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with a nutty sesame sauce.
(86) Uniqely , heavy body, low acidity , pleasant nutty aroma , distinctive syrupy, exotic flavor.
(87) It's nutty right now, " said one landman, Derrick Palmer, "but it's nutty in a good way. "
(88) The wine has a nutty flavor and a pleasant finish.
(89) He looked all right, but when he began to talk, we saw that he was as nutty as a fruitcake.
(90) This cheese is matured for at least 10 months producing a nutty, well rounded flavour.
More similar words: unutterablepeanut buttercoconut treea hard nut to cracknitty-grittywittysnottyknottydittyfattypattypottypettybattynattydottyprettyspottygrittynutnutsgettysburgpretty muchwalnutpeanutminutepine nutminutiacoconutminutes
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