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121. So Dr. Neel wrote a report for Reeves's doctor, noting the drugs that were likely to be causing problems and suggesting safer substitutes.
122. President Obama said his pilgrimage to Buchenwald is personal, noting his great-uncle was part of an American military unit that liberated the camp.
123. The name is grabbed noting is below network environment one of new unfair competition form.
124. Boldwood was listlessly noting how the frost had hardened the surface of the snow.
125. "China has been buying to build up state reserves of beans," said Anne Frick, Prudential Bache Commodities analyst, noting China's own crop isn't large enough to meet its needs.
126. Worth noting is that railcar deliveries to Pacific Coast export facilities were 31 percent higher for 2003 due to strong Asian market demand.
127. If flow rate is in excess of that specified, turn indicator knob towards closed position, noting pressure drop and valve setting and determining new flow rates from flow rate chart.
128. And Mr Putin himself drew an analogy with Britain’s Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, noting caustically that “when my friend Tony Blair retired, Gordon Brown immediately became prime minister.
129. Lagarde looked back nostalgically yesterday to the London G20 summit in April 2009 as a moment when all leaders came together, noting: "I hope that will happen again."
130. "We also used Qaddafi, " one rebel says, noting that Tuareg from Mali and Niger had smuggled weapons from the camps to fight their governments at home.
131. After the performance of petrochemical planes worth noting CWB 1 petrochemical boost up nearly 3 %.
132. Increased bleeding can be monitored by drawing a circle on the cast around an area of drainage and by noting the date and time.
133. Scientists with tenured faculty positions and NSF grants ridiculed these visions[sentencedict.com], noting that their fundamental improbability made them an absurd projection of what the future holds.
134. Rumors said there would he frost in America late next week, but some of the barterer care noting for this.
135. It’s a perfect storm for food gardening, ” Butterfield said, noting the downturn coincided with growing interest nationwide in eating locally produced food.
136. It is also activated when a person looks at an object about which they are an expert, * Eberhardt explained, noting that a bird watcher fusiform region might be activated if he looks at a bird.
137. Actor Tom Cruise, noting how deeply he immersed himself into the role of Algren in "The Last Samurai."
138. They have taken all we have, " replied the People - "excepting, " they added, noting the suggestive visitant - "excepting our hope in heaven.
139. So it's worth noting that Mr.Ryan's hard-money rhetoric was nearly as bizarre as Mr.DiLorenzo's.
140. By noting the positions of the planets at the time of the casting, the geomancer can examine his present situation regarding both the question and his life in general, more closely.
141. Noting that the body has an exquisite system of self-regulation, excreting anything it doesn't need.
142. In being of testing methods, accurately noting exiguity changes of permeability is very hard, and exists errors are difficult to avoid in artificially noting.
142. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.
143. This article demonstrated some of the basic concepts of honeypot, the major key technologies, noting that the honeypot of distinctions, shortcomings.
144. The relative weight of's aid program in Fiji is worth noting.
145. It is worth noting that the Phanerozoic only occupies the last 1/9th of this period of time.
146. The formal protest may be extended at any time thereafter as of the date of the noting.
147. There goes a bee, " said George, noting a bumbler winging by."
148. Mr.Harper took some apparent swipes at the Bush administration's position on climate change, noting that Washington was only now forming a comprehensive policy on the environment and energy.
149. An amazing amount of information is packed onto this little wraparound piece of paper, often noting special tracks, concert dates, discography information and release anniversaries.
150. In this connection, it is worth noting some changes in the general provisions governing plan revisions.
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