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Norma in a sentence

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Sentence count:37+1Posted:2018-03-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: formatnormanformalnormalnormandyformallyanormalnormallyMeaning: n. a small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Lupus and Ara in the Milky Way. 
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31. Norma is downstream a little on the bank, vigorously scrubbing his soiled clothes.
32. Her real name was Norma Jean Baker but she did not like to mention it.
33. Norma gets out of her car, hauling a bag of groceries with her.
34. Norma Shearer plays the devoted wife to a man who's cheating on her with the lower-class gold digger Joan Crawford.
35. She sang the lead in the opera "Norma" by Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini.
36. ARA: a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near the constellations Norma and Telescopium.
37. No doubt there will be more nerves, followed by more spitting; Norma McCorvey will always be a mass of contradictions.
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