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Norma in a sentence

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Sentence count:37+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-03-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: formatnormanformalnormalnormandyformallyanormalnormallyMeaning: n. a small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Lupus and Ara in the Milky Way. 
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1. A spokesperson for Amnesty, Norma Johnston, describes some cases.
2. Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity.
3. Norma picked up the broom and began sweeping.
4. Norma felt restless and penned in.
5. Thanks, Norma, and now for a look at tomorrow's weather.
6. Norma Jones worked as a packer in a local chemical factory.
7. Norma tried to preserve a normal family life in difficult circumstances.
8. Norma looked at the parcel and whistled softly through her teeth.
9. Norma put out the light and went to sleep.
10. I have included Norma in the map with Ara.
11. Marilyn Monroe's real name was Norma Jean Baker.
12. Viewers will see what makes nasty Norma, the receptionist so nasty.
13. Norma Foglio still remembers one special long-distance phone call from her husband in the middle of the night.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. Joe and Norma Foglio were leading double lives and feeling more and more depressed by it.
15. Norma greeted him at the door as though nothing had happened.
16. Norma darted back and forth between the oven and the table, a smile planted firmly on her face.
17. Norma picked up a stocking, stretched it and then pulled it onto her foot.
18. As for clothes, fashion consultant Barbara Thomas decided Norma had the poise and presence to carry off a sophisticated designer label.
19. Norma drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.
20. The most interesting fact revealed about Norma is that the poor dear is obviously deranged.
21. Norma is very obscure; its brightest star, Gamma, is only of magnitude 4.0.
22. With his wife Norma beside him, he climbed on to a soapbox to put across his campaign message.
23. While he soldiered on, wife Norma was unable to stand the pace.
24. Norma sat silently in the kitchen of their home, drinking coffee and trying to calm her nerves.
25. Her name at birth was Norma Jean Baker .
26. Now, Norma, make a wish!
27. So began Norma Jeane's fixation on Jean Harlow.
28. Norma, what I've got from you has been sumptuous.
29. Or perhaps she is a kind of Soviet bloc Norma Desmond.
30. What do you suppose might happen if the soccer moms join up with Norma Rae?
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