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Minute in a sentence

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Sentence count:286+56Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: insignificantinstantminiaturemomentnegligibleslightsmalltinytwinklingAntonym: broadimmenseSimilar words: diminutivealuminumnutpeanutnutrientin usecuteouterMeaning: ['mɪnɪt]  n. 1. a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour 2. an indefinitely short time 3. a particular point in time 4. a unit of angular distance equal to a 60th of a degree 5. a short note 6. distance measured by the time taken to cover it. adj. 1. infinitely or immeasurably small 2. immeasurably small 3. characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination. 
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151 Wait a minute - I'm thinking.
152 Hey! Wait a minute! I'll come with you!
153 This automatic printer can print 120 pages a minute.
154 The wind was blowing harder every minute.
155 Wait a minute, folks, something is wrong here.
156 One minute - I just need a piddle.
157 This watch loses about one minute a day.
158 He added to his tally in the last minute.
159 Don't leave it all until the last minute.
160 The lighthouse flashes signal twice a minute.
161 I want to see him the minute he arrives.
162 He changed his plans at the last minute.
163 He enjoyed every minute of his holiday.
164 The train will be in any minute now.
165 Wait a minute while I change her diaper .
166 It's only a 5 minute taxi ride away.
167 We were gazumped at the last minute.
168 She was here just a minute ago.
169 They arrived barely a minute later.
170 I won't keep on waiting more than half a minute.
171 I went camping for a week and enjoyed every minute of it.
172 Why don't you stop ranting and raving for a minute and listen?
173 Hang on/Wait a minute - I'll just get my bag.
174 It is exactly four o'clock(, not one minute more nor one minute less.
175 How long does it take the minute hand of the clock to go round once?
176 I want to see you in my office this minute .
177 Slow down, I need a minute to catch my breath.
178 At the last minute, we roped in a couple of spectators to complete the team.
179 If past experience is anything to go by, he'll completely ignore our suggestions and then change his mind at the last minute.
180 The union threatened a strike but called it off at the last minute.
More similar words: diminutivealuminumnutpeanutnutrientin usecuteouterroutecontinuecontinuedinsinuatecontinuouscontinuingstatutedisputeexecutecomputerattributecontributedistributeconstitutecontribute tomindminoradmintimingmind youminimalnominee
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