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Luggage in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+32Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: baggagebagsSimilar words: luggage compartmentsluggardbaggagebag and baggagesluggishengageengagedengage inMeaning: ['lʌgɪdʒ]  n. a case used to carry belongings when traveling. 
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151. We got more flights, cheaper flights, better food, friendlier service and virtually a zero wait for luggage.
152. There should also be some cover for buying basics like toothbrush and undies if your luggage is delayed.
153. He then ignored both of them, walking to the stairs that curved down into the room and taking the luggage up.
154. Ticket wallet containing your personal itinerary, luggage labels and travel information.
155. The way I see it, anything with wheels is by definition not carry-on luggage.
156. Some hotels give a luggage clearance pass to the head porter when the account has been settled.
157. The inclusion of an empty leather luggage label simply inscribed Josef Bien is one reminder of her personal involvement.
158. Each time the driver braked or accelerated violently she was thrown off balance, barking her shins on various pieces of luggage.
159. I made one good decision: to wear the trainers on the plane, and carry the paperwork in my hand luggage.
160. From now on, we will hand-search more luggage and screen more bags.
161. You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab and leave it around the corner from the garage.
162. There's a limit on how much luggage you can take on a plane, but there are ways to beat the system.
163. As he was saying that, I looked out the window and saw the ground crew taking the luggage off the plane.
164. They carry your luggage and your provisions; they will even keep you amused along the way by pulling faces.
165. The bomb, which caused no casualties, had been planted in or under the luggage compartment of one of the buses.
166. Some bring aboard luggage so large it has its own wheels.
167. Meg succumbed to the biggest smile she had ever seen in her life and surrendered her case and hand luggage with pleasure.
168. After a lightning whip through immigration, an official located all their luggage and polo sticks and whizzed them through customs.
168. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
169. I sent my luggage on by train and after lunch, I started out on foot.
170. Passengers on international flights will no longer be able to use curb-side check-in procedures for luggage.
171. Tighter airline scrutiny of the size and amount of carry-on luggage.
172. Finally she lurched away from the luggage queue, swinging gear on to a processing table to be inspected by a rigid agent.
173. Ticket wallet containing your detailed itinerary, luggage labels, travel information, etc.
174. He loaded the bags on to the luggage rack of the Argyll.
175. Even the luggage racks contained their quota of sailors, soldiers, or airmen.
176. At about the half way point the Luggage leapt from its bed of splinters, gaped briefly in mid-air, and snapped shut.
177. I hurried off the tramcar with my luggage and approached the queue.
178. A lean and lovely couple, with small pieces of designer luggage.
179. The coachman took my luggage and called me to hurry up.
180. I arrived at the station in good time and chained my travel-bag to the luggage rack.
More similar words: luggage compartmentsluggardbaggagebag and baggagesluggishengageengagedengage inmortgageengaged inengage withengagementluggagslugreggaebeggarplug indelugehaggardplug awaybraggartlong agoniggardlylugubriouspull the plugbraggadociolugubriouslybuggymugger
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