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Likelihood in a sentence

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Sentence count:293+7Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: likelinessSimilar words: likelyunlikelyand the likelikeunlikelikewisefeel likesomething likeMeaning: ['laɪklɪhʊd]  n. the probability of a specified outcome. 
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181. In all likelihood, however, ozone has the capacity to diffuse through the fungal wall into the organismic cytoplasm, thus disrupting cellular organelles.
182. The detector derived from Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) is developed under interference model.
183. The exterior of artificial intelligence in my mind see likelihood person, in body, is machine element , can take over outside every information.
184. We estimate simultaneously the texture parameters of multi polarimetric channels by the method of maximum likelihood under the assumption of multiple textures.
185. A frequency domain adaptive maximum likelihood (ML) time delay estimation algorithm based on squared coherence function is proposed.
186. The maximum likelihood estimators(MLE) of means and standard deviations and the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio statistic are given.
187. Still, the odds were against their encounter on this desolate island, and if Jackson had not appeared when he did,( Nansen and Johansen in all likelihood would have died.
188. Several studies have shown that weight loss in women with PCOS improves the endocrine profile, menstrual cyclicity, rate of ovulation and likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.
189. There is little likelihood that a panel of five wants to go though the process of all shaking hands with you in turn.
190. In traditional multiple hypothesis tracking(MHT) algorithm, only target location information has been used for truth likelihood function of tracks.
191. This paper describes a method of maximum likelihood estimation for a class of bilinear systems under small samples.
192. Furthermore, through the maximum likelihood used for evaluating three parameters of wavelet coefficients' probability model, the adaptive algorithm is derived in the article.
193. The greater likelihood is that in a war the Islamists would fight asymmetrically, with guerrilla tactics.
194. The ARMA model was used to describe the prior distribution of observed discharge and the AR model was adopted to simulate the likelihood function of forecasting error.
195. On Tuesday, she appears at The Brits (in all likelihood to collect the award for best international female solo artist) before her sold-out Monster Ball tour arrives in British and European arenas.
196. The parameters in model are estimated by maximum likelihood estimate method.
197. Some of optimal bandwidths used depends on detection function, some do not rely on detection function, still use classic ground Maximum Likelihood estimate.
198. For the Rayleigh distribution, the moment estimate; the maximum likelihood estimate and the interval estimate of the parameter are given based on the full sample.
199. The training of the novel model utilizes maximum likelihood criterion and develops an effective EM algorithm to adjust model parameters.
200. The posterior probability is computed from the prior and the likelihood function via Bayes' theorem.
201. But the likelihood that some people failed to fess up about straying wouldn't undercut the study.
202. As stated above,( those who experience Panic Attacks have a greater likelihood of developing agoraphobia for fear of having a panic attack while some place away from home.
203. This seems to indicate that the longer a dog is on a meatless diet, the less the likelihood of hypothyroidism.
204. In particular, the argument is that, if the likelihood of zygapophysial joint pain can be increased by clinical examination, the yield of subsequent diagnostic blocks will be greater.
205. It added that MAS had a higher likelihood that its performances for financial years 2011 and 2012 would continue to be in the red.
206. In view of a few likelihood by cankered person the website making friend that use is absent " blacklist " on, alarm make the most of of minor of the appeal that inspect hall " Bai Ming is odd " means.
207. A new combined maximum likelihood (ML) and decision feedback equalization (DFE) detection algorithm for the V -BLAST system is proposed based on nulling vector set searching.
208. Towards the distributed multiple sensor detection information fusion, detection performance under N P criterion is studied, while the algorithm for local detection is based on likelihood criterion.
209. The likelihood of infection might be increased if there is menstrual blood involved or if the woman is infected with another sexually transmitted disease.
210. The traditional signal detection theory and method using likelihood ratio test has been used widely, but it has obvious drawbacks.
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