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Home > Legitimately in a sentence

Legitimately in a sentence

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Sentence count:42Posted:2017-03-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: legitimateillegitimatelegitimacyillegitimacyultimatelyintimatelylegitimizeapproximatelyMeaning: adv. 1. in a manner acceptable to common custom 2. in a lawfully recognized manner. 
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1. The government has been legitimately elected by the people.
2. He complained quite legitimately about his treatment.
3. They could quarrel quite legitimately with some of my choices.
4. She can now legitimately claim to be the best in the world.
5. We can legitimately ask what competence an official based in Whitehall has to solve the problems of rural Scotland.
6. The writer may very legitimately find the project is too difficult to carry out without a great deal of assistance from others.
7. Thus the mullahs can legitimately incite revolution, and since the seventh century they have done so.
8. Her dogs were familiar with everyone who might legitimately be in the cathedral at that time of night.
9. There, a brokerage house, acting as underwriter, legitimately acquired inside information from one of its clients.
10. We have stretched points, legitimately and logically we trust, in other areas of the structure.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. A sleepless alien might legitimately conclude that Earthlings' central preoccupation was this peculiar sort of inactivity.
12. We can legitimately ask, however: What is wrong with this state of affairs?
13. Certainly, most unemployed workers legitimately can not find work at the wages they are accustomed to.
14. Other factors - for example, equity - legitimately influence decisions.
15. A few grams can be legitimately shed by stripping to undershorts and T - shirts.
16. You cannot do this legitimately!
17. The radio is legitimately owned by the company.
18. He said in Kabul: "Whether those individuals acted legitimately or illegitimately in providing information to the Nato forces, their lives will be in danger."
19. The irony of Chinese citizens legitimately exercising a right in Norway that the government denies them at home will not be lost on journalists and other observers.
20. He was using the treaty not so much to conquer as to acquire legitimately what he regarded as his own by right.
21. Thus Regan sets aside prejudice and thoughtfully explores the idea that the concept of rights might legitimately be applied to some animals.
22. The Wall is designed to block the flow of information legitimately acquired by one department,( to other departments.
23. It is not possible to draw up an exhaustive list of matters that may legitimately be taken into account.
24. Nor is the team likely to trade down to assume a draft position where it could legitimately take Nash.
25. Many writing on the mid-seventeenth century at present would legitimately claim that I have marked out these positions too exclusively.
26. The Eastern bloc desperately needed Western goods but had no hard currency to pay for them, even if they were available legitimately.
27. I have no hesitation in recommending this book as essential reading for all who are legitimately involved in this field.
28. It belongs to anyone from any country who is legitimately allowed to live here and who contributes to the general social welfare.
29. However, the department says it can do nothing about people with questionable disabilities legitimately obtaining a placard.
30. There are aspects of Mr Obama's new Afghanistan policy that can be legitimately disagreed with.
More similar words: legitimateillegitimatelegitimacyillegitimacyultimatelyintimatelylegitimizeapproximatelyintimateultimateestimateestimatedpenultimateoverestimatelegitultimatumintimationantimatterlatelystatelyinnatelyclimateanimateprivatelyprimatesdecimateseparatelyaccuratelydelicatelydesperately
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