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L in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+4Posted:2016-10-05Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: [el]  n. 1. a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigrade and 760 mm of mercury (or approximately 1.76 pints) 2. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and five 3. a cgs unit of illumination equal to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter 4. the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet. adj. being ten more than forty. 
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151, Oxygen inhalations given at 6-7 L / minute is very effective.
152, I would have to thank Kalmenzohn, too. l went out into the hall and took up my backpack.
153, But as we approached the cottage, l felt him grab my legs from the back.
154, Harry Lawrence was your friend and l appreciate that, but Harry Lawrence was not the target.
155, Grammar, reading, dictation, and conversation. l want to learn a minimum of twenty-five words a day.
156, The anion gap is 30 mEq / l, which is 14 mEq / t higher than normal.
157, All l have to do is wait until February of 1991.
158, As an extension of this point, it then becomes necessary to integrate knowledge of L1 acquisition with knowledge of F.L. learning.
159, In this case the rotation tensor R is equal to the direction, cosine L. Example 10.
160, He has appointed a highly regarded three-star Marine general, James L.. Jones, to be his military assistant.
161, Because of the large crowd expected, the city moved it from the A.L.
162, As l have just remarked, the particular physical embodiment of an algorithm is something totally irrelevant.
163, Yes, he must have, though l had no word from mutual friends or my parents or sister.
164, This was another part of his great genius: he actually looked like John L.. Lewis.
165, B.L. I had these passionate blouse-ripping fantasies(, the sort where you dissolve on a bearskin rug and explode with ecstasy.
166, As there were not enough metre sticks to go round, l gave out matchsticks to represent the fences.
167, This causes enormous problems, as the Q.A.L.Y. is so widely accepted, in trying to show that rehabilitation is a benefit.
168, In any case the L.C.C. used the slot conduit system and the Company used overhead wires.
169, Next cut the tips of the l.e.d. leads at an angle using side cutters so that each lead ends in a sharp point.
170, L operators from winning billions of dollars in damages they claim the government owes them.
171, The World Health Organisation recommends a sodium ion concentration of 90mmol/l.
172, This experimental solution has since been confirmed by a purely mathematical analysis carried out by H. L. Cox.
172, Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
173, The first monthly medal winner was L.C. Smith, one of only nine competitors.
174, He built a political alliance with his old college chum and fellow L. A. Democrat, Rep.
175, This hypothesis generates an infinite set of indifference curves which are convex to the L axis.
176, They succeed by 105 l criticizing that ethos and by suggesting an alternative to it.
177, But maybe if l meet with him we can come to some agreement, you know?
178, But l wanted to step beyond that and explore what an intimate relationship would be.
179, Similarly, at interest rates below Oi l, the excess demand for money exerts upward pressure on interest rates.
180, Mixed, she said, because it had given the theatre the opportunity to invite P.L. O'Hara to step into the breach.
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