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Knife in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+81Posted:2016-12-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bladeswordSimilar words: manifesteven ifuniformlifewifemanifoldfor lifesignificantMeaning: [naɪf]  n. 1. edge tool used as a cutting instrument; has a pointed blade with a sharp edge and a handle 2. a weapon with a handle and blade with a sharp point 3. any long thin projection that is transient. v. use a knife on. 
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(181) He stabbed the woman with a knife and she died.
(182) She chopped at the robber with her knife, but missed.
(183) This knife doesn't cut very well, it's not sharp enough.
(184) Using a knife, make slight indentations around the edges of the pastry.
(185) The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon.
(186) The reviewer in the magazine that I read really put the knife in.
(187) Helen was sent to prison for attacking a man with a knife.
(188) The killer stabbed him with a knife/stabbed a knife into him.
(189) He slashed the bark off the tree with his knife.
(190) Use a knife to give a textured effect to the clay.
(191) The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with a jerk.
(192) I saw the blade of an open knife shine in his hand in the torchlight.
(193) Peter hates his nose so much that he's seriously considering going under the knife to have it made smaller.
(194) She jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wood.
(195) 'Give me the knife,' he said softly, 'or I'll take it away from you.'.
(196) The gangster pulled a knife on me and tried to slash my face.
(197) The power saw sliced the logs like a knife through butter.
(198) He picked up the knife and plunged it in her heart.
(199) Just to turn the knife a little, he told me he'd seen my old girlfriend with her new man.
(200) " There you are — like a knife through butter,'said the demonstrator as the powered shovel swung back with its load.
(201) He got out his knife and acted out cutting into the sleeping bag.
(202) The police found him in a prone position with a knife in his back.
(203) We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife.
(204) This knife is identical to the one used in the attack.
(205) He was stabbed when he tackled an intruder armed with a knife.
(206) The realisation that she was gone was like a knife thrust.
(207) Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.
(208) During the fight with a rival gang he lashed out with his flick knife.
(209) He tied her up and threatened her with a six-inch knife.
(210) Each word he uttered was a knife in her heart.
More similar words: manifesteven ifuniformlifewifemanifoldfor lifesignificantlifelongto the lifewildlifelifetimesignificancelifestylecome to lifesignificantlypersonificationproliferation
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