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Jordan in a sentence

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Sentence count:178+6Posted:2017-04-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mordantaccordancediscordantconcordancediscordancein accordance withfjordverdantMeaning: n. 1. a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan 2. an Arab kingdom in southwestern Asia on the Red Sea. 
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31. Egypt and Jordan welcomed news of the deal as a major breakthrough.
32. "We're going to be late,'' Jordan said irritably, pacing up and down the room.
33. The two players collided and Jordan fell to the floor.
34. Jordan had a long and distinguished career in public service.
35. It will be very sad if Jordan withdraws from politics altogether.
36. Jordan looked at him alertly, cheerfully,[] without answering.
37. Susan Jordan owns a local novelty shop.
38. Dr. J, Scottie Pippin, Jordan, Magic, and young Shaq.
39. Have you herad about Michael Jordan making a comeback?
40. Michael Jordan & Scottie Pippen ( Chicago Bulls ).
41. King Hussein as King of the Jordan.
42. Jordan has had a varied career including stints in the Navy, working as a busboy at nightclub Studio 54 and theatre production.
43. These are they that went over Jordan in the first month, when it had overflown all his.
44. Reflect truly " flying person " of regnant the world, still be the area that Jordan creates in Chicago him environs exceed 3000 to make the same score rice exceed luxurious residence.
45. The Jordan River is poluted and in danger of going dry.
46. In 1992, Air Jordan Shoes , Frank Perkings in Los Angeles attempt on the world flagpole - sitting record.
47. Jordan plans to desalinate sea water from the Gulf of Aqaba to the south, then pump it to population centres in Amman, Irbid, and Zarqa, using its nuclear-derived energy.
48. The Jordan River is pollutant polluted and in danger of going dry.
49. In 2009, Oran finally achieved her mother's dream for her when she became the first female dean of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Jordan, of which her husband is a member.
50. A negotiation with Jordan, less immoderate and free of any influence, was more hopeful.
51. Vernon Jordan set up a golf game with Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, America's wealthiest men.
52. "In particular, a lot of banks have call center and accounting operations in Egypt and Jordan and those companies are looking for stability, " he added.
53. Hamptons series tailored for this season is full of nostalgia Carryall style, jordan shoes, Ruching handle highlights a modern retro style.
54. Joint needs assessments have so far been convened in: Bangladesh, Jordan, Lesotho and Papua New Guinea (2009); Ghana, Guatemala and Republic of Moldova (2010); and Bhutan (2011).
55. But if your a fan of the Air Jordan 19 (XIX) and are a true Jordan fan, your in luck, because this pair is exactly like the original.
56. The Jordanian territory west of the river Jordan which Israel captured in 1967.
57. Israel, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Syria - dispute who controls limited water resources.
58. In November 1980 Jordan signed a letter of intent to attend UNC.
59. Princess Grace of Monaco - also known as the Oscar-winning actress Grace Kelly - topped the list, with a 91 per cent approval rating, closely followed by Queen Rania of Jordan, on 90 per cent.
60. Five or six years ago, Chicago was still digging out from its old reputation among the Chinese as the home of Al Capone and Michael Jordan.
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