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Jong in a sentence

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Sentence count:48Posted:2018-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mahjongmah-jonggjonesjonahjonquildow jonesmother jonesjonathanMeaning: n. United States writer (born in 1942). 
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31. Aston Villa and Tottenham target Nigel de Jong is set to stay with Hamburg.
32. Kim Jong Il, reported to have suffered a stroke in August, may still be able to preside over the opening session Thursday of North Korea's rubberstamp Supreme People's Assembly.
33. Kim Jong Il came to power after his father, North Korea's founder Kim Il Sung, died in nineteen ninety-four.
34. Van Marwijk admitted some fouls had been "terrible" but said both sides were responsible, although challenges by Nigel de Jong and Mark van Bommel were particularly X-rated.
35. I am very worried for Kim Jong Kook beacuse he looks pale these days.
36. Still, he is lining up an impressive stable of writers and professors for the American edition, including Noam Chomsky, Anthony Burgess, Eric Jong and Norman Mailer.
37. IGAC is here to support the convention's implementation and to enhance anticorruption efforts through an exchange of data and experience," de Jong says.
38. The vice president professed bafflement on what President Kim Jong Il hopes to achieve in the latest standoff with the international community.
39. Project Leader : Dr. Eeltje de Jong, Department of Soil Science , University of Saskatchewan , Saskatoon, SK.
40. DPRK parliament appoints kim Jong - il to a third as the country's top leader.
41. Pulikovsky will accompany Kim Jong - il throughout the four - day unofficial visit.
42. The Sappho that Erica Jong offers up in her historical fantasy ' Sappho 's Leap' is as hooked on slaps and tickles as Cole Porter's archetypal
43. For Kim Jong - il's Chinese hosts, even such a modest proposal may be anathema.
44. The outreach marked Kim Jong Il's first official recognition of Mr.
45. Lindo Jong : This dish not salty enough. No flavor. It's too bad to eat, but please.
46. Habitually clad in a boiler suit tailored to highlight his portly frame, Kim Jong Il seems an unlikely style icon.
47. Kim Jong Il had 14 years in which to build up loyalties between his anointment and eventual succession.
48. Under this difficult condition and pressure, It is inevitable that Kim Jong - ri positively decides to inform.
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