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Jong in a sentence

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Sentence count:48Posted:2018-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mahjongmah-jonggjonesjonahjonquildow jonesmother jonesjonathanMeaning: n. United States writer (born in 1942). 
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1. Have you ever played Mah Jong? It's a Chinese game.
2. Remember, leader, Kim Jong Il, had stroke.
3. Erica Jong is an American author and educator.
4. Jong - Wha Lee is ADB's acting chief economist.
5. The lies at birth for Kim Jong - il.
6. Have you ever played mah - jong?
7. North Korea says its leader Kim Jong Il has received a personal letter from President Bush.
8. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il told Russia's Itar-Tass news agency last week six-way talks should resume without preconditions.
9. Jong - Wha Lee is landers the Manila - based lender's acting chief economist.
10. I am a student of Grade 6 at Jong - Bu School.
11. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has presided over a special parliamentary session in which his brother-in-law was promoted to a senior government position.
12. Have you ever played mah - jong? it's really very interesting.
13. Speculation on who will succeed Kim Jong Il as North Korea's leader also has drawn much attention, and the country has been adopting more hard-line policies that place priority on the military.
14. Kim Jong Il ordered the gawky birds imported from Africa at $10, 000 a pop in the late 1990s, said guide Kim Jin Ok, giving The Associated Press a private tour.
15. I am very worried for Kim Jong Kook because he looks pale these days.
16. Kim Jong - il will have ensured his favoured son has mentors in place.
17. North Korean leader Kim Jong - il has issued a special pardon to two detained US journalists.
18. To play Mah - jong well depends on both your skill and luck.
19. Kim Jong Il, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, called on the army to develop sideline economy, local media reported Tuesday.
20. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il attended a special session of the country's lawmaking body,[Sentence dictionary] which boosted the status of his brother-in-law in a shakeup of top government positions on Monday.
21. Since mid-August, the country's authoritarian leader, Kim Jong Il, has been out of view.
22. Couples shuffle to the beach in their hotel slippers and Marriott robes, while elderly guests play mah jong on a beach towel at an outdoor bar.
23. The political police have been bureaucratically elevated and placed directly under the National Defense Commission, from where Kim Jong Il runs the state.
24. They said the rare white sea cucumber has come to hail the auspicious event of electing Secretary Kim Jong Il as Party General Secretary.
25. Kim's third and youngest son, 26 - year - old Kim Jong - un , reportedly stood for election.
26. South Korea's Yonhap news agency identified a dark-haired man wearing a dark outfit as Kim Jong Un.
27. However, Mr Pinkston, at International Crisis Group , cautioned against writing Kim Jong - woon's political obituary prematurely.
28. In English the name often takes on variations as Mah Jong , Mahjongg, Majong or simply M - J.
29. But they remained at odds over how to punish Kim Jong - il's regime.
30. Eljero Elia for Kuyt, Cesc Fabregas for Alonso, Rafael van der Vaart for de Jong were all positive moves, and contributed to the game becoming more open and attractive in the second period.
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