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Johnson in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+16Posted:2017-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: andrew johnsonlyndon johnsonlyndon baines johnsonjohn smithjohn steinbeckjohnjohn jayjohn bullMeaning: n. 1. English writer and lexicographer (1709-1784) 2. 36th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973) 3. 17th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Lincoln when Lincoln was assassinated; was impeached but acquitted by one vote (1808-1875). 
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151. The integration of Johnson Brothers will not necessarily mean the closure of the offices at Hanley.
152. In the natural scheme of things, Glover should have expired on the day Johnson was born.
153. But it made no better sense, Johnson quickly added, for the Corps to build the dam instead.
154. He and Johnson, however, emphasized the equal importance of volunteers.
155. For the time being, no changes to service are expected, Johnson said.
156. Chantal Johnson was brought up in Canada, and is equally fluent in French and English.
157. We can not look back at the age of Johnson without sensing that it represents a period of calm before the storm.
158. Louis Johnson came to despise the Alsops and ordered Pentagon reception desks to inform him whenever they set foot in the building.
159. President Johnson expressed a sense of betrayal as a result of the riots.
160. Jesse Johnson hopped out of his dory and put himself be-tween the pile of bodies and the wharf.
161. By the time Johnson made his second-half entrance with 7: 05 left[], it was 67-47.
162. Johnson became committed to discrediting the civil rights movement and asked Hoover to provide the ammunition.
163. Overall these efforts will consolidate Johnson Matthey's position as a leading supplier of high-technology materials.
164. Most of the troublesome lots, however, were consigned by Basia Johnson.
165. Johnson was one of the handful in the debate who spoke positively about lesbian and gay relationships.
166. Fran Johnson found her the furnished apartment and helped her settle in.
167. Johnson complained of having been rendered exhausted by Sir Alexander's over-zealous efforts to entertain him.
168. As the public criticism mounted, Johnson fought back with predictions that victory was just around the corner.
169. The deep divisions within the opposition allowed Johnson to hold to his course.
170. Biomedical Johnson Matthey's pharmaceutical business has seen continued growth and has made a strong contribution to group profits during the year.
171. All those business groups were major financial backers of Johnson and stood to profit by his move into the White House.
172. Romero reportedly has abdicated his throne, which could give Johnson his opportunity at last.
173. Johnson is fascinated with the edges of consciousness where identity begins to disintegrate.
174. Yet the same men in blazers let a cheat like Johnson back.
175. Ms. Johnson spent four hours measuring and diagramming every room in the 80-year-old house.
176. Lyndon Johnson first sent U.S. combat troops into battle in March 1965.
177. He presented boxer Jack Johnson when he was heavyweight champion.
178. Jay Johnson, a naval aviator, that all negative findings by evaluation boards must be reviewed at the Pentagon.
179. The Johnson case differs in that the Olympics are being held in the United States.
180. Mr Johnson thinks it's too risky, and I tend to agree with him.
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