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Invoice in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+9Posted:2017-05-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accountbillSimilar words: invoice pricesales invoicepurchase invoicevoiceVOICESvoice mailwith one voiceinvokeMeaning: ['ɪnvɔɪs]  n. an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered. v. send an bill to. 
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61. This should always be double checked when you issue the first invoice to a new customer. 2.
62. They received your invoice late because it was sent late and it won't now be paid until next month. 11.
63. An account number or clear reference such as an order or delivery note number for identifying the invoice or statement. 5.
64. Yours sincerely Dear I am returning your invoice because I do not have an order form to set it against.
65. They will confirm the booking by sending you an invoice and detailed joining instructions.
66. Your written confirmation includes an invoice for the balance due.
67. Using workflow, one hardware manufacturer managed to cut the time taken to process an invoice from six weeks to three days.
68. License and no, there is no formal invoice.
69. Can provide a formal invoice, welcomed the consultation.
70. His £200 invoice was settled immediately in cash.
71. Having purchase invoice or consignment voucher.
72. This is the certificate for an invoice exchange.
73. Ending with final invoice to customer.
74. You should use the required special nationwide invoice stamp.
75. Please show me your invoice book.
76. All risks for 110 % of the invoice value.
77. All customers can issue a formal invoice.
78. Commercial invoice is a document.
79. The duty shall be calculated against the invoice value.
80. Does the merchandise check with the invoice?
81. I tapped the invoice with my index finger.
82. Invoice,[] credit note and... what is the last one?
83. Thank you for your postal order for invoice No.1704.
84. Each invoice book has an instruction.
84. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
85. Enclosed is our Proforma Invoice in triplicate for Art.
86. Opening sales invoice and preparing document, checking up statement.
87. A. Draft at sight covering 60 % Invoice value.
88. Put these invoice in numerical order.
89. Make Invoice and packing list and assist in solving emergent customs problems.
90. New regulations on using new uniform invoice of real property marketing and construction were promulgated.
More similar words: invoice pricesales invoicepurchase invoicevoiceVOICESvoice mailwith one voiceinvokein vogueinvolveinvolvedinvocationchoiceinvoluntaryinvolvementrejoiceinvoluntarilypro-choicecenozoic erapolice officervoidavoiddevoidenvoystoicheroicconvoystoicalreservoiravoidable
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