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Infant mortality in a sentence

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Sentence count:75+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mortalitymortality rateinfantmortalimmortalvitalitypostmortempost mortemMeaning: n. the death rate during the first year of life. 
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(1) Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced.
(2) Infant mortality was extremely high and the upper classes were not exempt.
(3) Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced because of modern medicine.
(4) Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions.
(5) The nation's infant mortality rate has reached a record low.
(6) Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio - economic conditions.
(7) Infant mortality is much higher in the poorest areas of the city.
(8) The city's most shocking statistic is its high infant mortality rate.
(9) See also infant mortality, toddler mortality, child mortality.
(10) Schooling is the route to lowering infant mortality.
(11) Tampa General Hospital created a subsidiary to combat infant mortality.
(12) Declines in infant mortality may have contributed indirectly to declining fertility, though evidence on the matter is inconclusive.
(13) The effect of short spacing on infant mortality seems to be loosely associated with the overall level of infant mortality.
(14) The two variables are infant mortality per 1000 live births and gross national product per head.
(15) The relationship between maternal age and infant mortality stands not only across countries and populations but also with passing time.
(16) In the 1950s and early 1960s infant mortality of the first born babies were higher than those of the second.
(17) The causes she has espoused include lowering infant mortality and the provision of legal assistance to the poor.
(18) These are also the areas with high infant mortality rates, child accidents[], morbidity rates and low school attainment rates.
(19) Amongthe poorest 25 % of the rural population, infant mortality is 3.5 times higher than among city dwellers.
(20) Infant mortality is phenomenally high, and many children die before they reach six years of age.
(21) In one trial, installation of the equipment reduced infant mortality from 10 percent of the litter to 0.5 percent.
(22) There has been a sharp rise in infant mortality since the drought began.
(23) Nevertheless[], the reasons for the striking decline in infant mortality in this period remain rather mysterious.
(24) Firstly people are living longer, there is low infant mortality, but the average age of the population is rising as well.
(25) The correlation between infant mortality and fertility has not been well documented.
(26) High infant mortality made such events of doubtful political importance.
(27) Their average life expectancy was 12 years less than that of whites, their infant mortality rate twice that of whites.
(28) Medical advice, like wet-nursing, was only followed by the wealthy, and may explain their inferior infant mortality rates.
(29) There continued to be striking regional and social class variations in infant mortality and in life expectancy at later ages.
(30) A final factor that affects the number of children desired by developing world couples is infant mortality.
More similar words: mortalitymortality rateinfantmortalimmortalvitalitypostmortempost mortempost-mortemmortarimportantqualityimportantlyinfidelitytantalizevenalitysexualitytotalitarianpersonalityconvivialityprincipalityoriginalitynationalityessentialitytechnicalitymunicipalityimpartialitytotalitarianismconfidentialityin fact
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