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Hiv in a sentence

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Sentence count:266+2Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: shiverarchivebeehivearchiveschivalryarchivistshiveringchivalrousMeaning: n. 1. infection by the human immunodeficiency virus 2. the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); it replicates in and kills the helper T cells. 
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211) In one instance, the researchers found that adding just one specific amino-acid building block rendered the protein useless in protecting against HIV.
212) The Administration is working to compassionately address the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and to prevent new HIV infections within the United States.
213) Potent antiretroviral therapy lowers HIV viral load, allowing the CD4 cell count to increase, thereby reducing the risk of HIV-related opportunistic infections and cancers.
214) In what some are calling a historic day in HIV prevention, a microbicide gel has been found to help prevent HIV transmission.
215) An HIV positive mother should be counselled on the risks and benefits of different infant feeding options and should be helped to select the most suitable option for her situation.
216) Powerful anti-HIV drugs have come tantalizingly close to eradicating the virus from people, driving the blood level of HIV so low that standard tests cannot detect it.
217) However, being well-informed about HIV and related issues can be vital and doctors, support organisations and other people living with HIV can all provide both advice and information.
218) Next generation Fusion inhibitors like T - 20 may soon fight HIV.
219) Antiretroviral chemoprophylaxis before exposure is a promising approach for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquisition.
220) It explores the early spread of HIV and AIDS, starting in nineteen eighty-one.
221) HIV is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ).
222) Despite the mounting toll from Aids, and some five million cases - the highest HIV/Aids caseload in the world - few public figures have come forward to say that Aids has affected their families.
223) A simple multivitamin pill may slow the advance of HIV, say US doctors.
224) Nevirapine for Prevention of Mother - to - Child HIV Transmission : Concerns over Resistance.
225) Not long ago, people have a half blood, the heart suddenly tense up, asked if people living with HIV.
226) At least 89 such arrests have taken place between 2008 and 2011, under the HIV criminalization laws upheld by 34 states across the US.
227) Assan Jaye, a Gambian researcher on the study, told SciDev.Net that because HIV-1 also has a Gag gene, we now have "greater insight about how to best design a vaccine against HIV".
228) If your doctor lacks such expertise then it may be sensible to also find a complementary practioner, ideally one with experience in treating people with HIV.
229) Baby: " The chin is from granddad. The eyes are from dad. The HIV is from mom. "
230) If this could be implemented in sub-Saharan Africa, he told the Guardian, "the proportion of people with HIV would run to under 1% in less than 50 years".
231) The criminalization of sex work and LGBT relations in Uganda further thwarts HIV prevention and treatment efforts, according to the report.
232) Dr Margaret Chan, Director- General of WHO said: "International and national investment in HIV treatment scale-up has yielded concrete and measurable results.
233) Patient losses between HIV testing, baseline CD4 cell count and the start of care and ART are high.
234) Associated conditions also include HIV, sarcoidosis, Sjogren syndrome, tuberculosis, mumps, and cat scratch disease. It is rare in pediatric patients.
235) Injecting drug use is a major mode of HIV transmission in several regions and is emerging as a concern in Africa.
236) The calicivirus, the culprit of the stomach flu, lives for days or weeks, while HIV dies nearly instantly upon exposure to sunlight.
237) A meeting was held with Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention to foster collaboration on HIV prevention work in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
237) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
238) Objective: To observe the impact of acute vivax malaria on the percentage of apoptotic CD4 lymphocytes in HIV infected subjects, to explore partial mechanisms of malariotherapy for HIV infections.
239) The two most common cancers to affect people with HIV are lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma.
240) In July 2000, the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim offered to donate its drug nevirapine, which could prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child during labour.
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