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Hiv in a sentence

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Sentence count:266+2Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: shiverarchivebeehivearchiveschivalryarchivistshiveringchivalrousMeaning: n. 1. infection by the human immunodeficiency virus 2. the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); it replicates in and kills the helper T cells. 
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181) Potentially, it also could target known biomarkers for a wide variety of diseases, including HIV, cancer and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a degenerative neurological disorder.
182) The short guide by Alan Whiteside , professor of HIV/AIDS at South Africa's University of KwaZulu-Natal, is packed with statistics and handy explanations of the science.
183) Contact lens, HIV positive, and immunosuppressive patients have similar bacterial flora to that of normal controls.
184) But the major question, is whether such new technologies would also benefit poor populations, such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa where TB, HIV/AIDS and malaria continue to affect millions.
185) Methods Collect the blood of people taking up cosmetology, mulberry, the sex out-patient service, drug taking, prostitution, to examine the Anti - HIV by the way of ELISA. examine out-patient in STD.
186) Results At present, injection drug use(IDU) is the major transmission mode of HIV infection in Guangxi.
187) PCP is a frequent HIV associated opportunistic infection in industrialised countries but appears to be less common in Africa.
188) Three years later, access to HIV treatment has increased three-fold, but major challenges still remain.
189) Anal sex without a condom is extremely high risk activity for HIV transmission.
190) Nevirapine — the cheaper of the two drugs — was found to be less effective in patients with existing TB, with higher HIV loads in their blood than those on efavirenz.
191) The primary outcome was weighted mean difference (WMD) for CIMT comparing HIV positive versus negative patients.
192) Methods Information about voluntary blood donors from 2000 to 2006 was colleted, then donors who were confirmed HIV seropositive were retrospectively analyzed by statistical comparison.
193) Blood will be taken, and this blood will be screened for HIV, usually at the same time that a full blood count is taken and rubella antibodies, hepatitis B and syphilis infection are tested for.
194) U. S. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital as a result of three recent "Hello chew" food-borne HIV virus were studied.
195) Also, promotion of condom use among high-risk groups allows us to kill two birds with one stone, with regard to preventing sexually transmitted HIV and other STIs.
196) Reduced Fitness of Protease Inhibitor - Resistant HIV In Vivo.
197) According to ARAS worker Luca: "In one evening the team can have four girls who test positive for HIV."
198) The rate is even higher in sub-Saharan Africa where girls and young women make up 71% of all young people living with HIV - essentially because prevention strategies are not reaching them.
199) Conclusion The HIV/AIDS-related health education directing at male populations should be strengthened to compensate for tendentiousness due to the personality characters.
200) The introduction of routine PITC using lay counsellors into health-care clinics in Lusaka, Zambia, dramatically increased the uptake and acceptability of HIV testing.
201) One of these patients, an HIV - positive boy named Raphael , was orphaned at the age of three.
202) Objective To investigate the high - efficiency of pseudotyped HIV as gene transfer vector.
203) The Kibera Integrated Community Self-Help Program offers a variety of services to those infected by HIV and AIDS.
204) When the immune system is very weak due to advanced HIV disease or AIDS, opportunistic infections such as PCP, toxoplasmosis and cryptococcosis develop.
205) Methods The result of 2003,2004 HIV antibody suspected samples, between primary screening test and reconfirmation test were analyzed.
206) Today's anti - HIV drugs block the virus once it gets into a cell.
207) Basic screening lab tests and regular cervical Pap smears are important to monitor in HIV infection, due to the increased risk of cervical cancer in immunocompromised women.
207) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
208) In early HIV disease people can develop tuberculosis, malaria, bacterial pneumonia, herpes zoster, staphylococcal skin infections and septicaemia.
209) Risk factors for stroke in children include heart disease, sickle-cell anemia, some blood-clotting disorders, vascular malformations, and viral infections, such as varicella, HIV and others.
210) But clade C accounts for around 90 per cent of HIV infections in India and South Africa, which together have some of the highest infection rates in the world, Chauhan said.
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