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Hitting in a sentence

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Sentence count:245+11Posted:2017-06-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sittingwittingfittingknittingquittingemittingunwittingfittinglyMeaning: [hɪt]  n. the act of contacting one thing with another. 
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121. On the latter, she developed a delightful staccato syncopation by regularly hitting the offbeat.
122. So the last hope of hitting the enemy carriers was reluctantly abandoned.
123. Taking too much of a divot is called hitting a fat shot and results in a loss of distance.
124. He thought of hitting Guy, saw himself doing it, like some violent film, slow-motion.
125. I could see the rounds hitting the water close to me, and everything went in slow motion.
126. As the group advanced on him, the constable fired off another shot, this time hitting Jones in the upper thigh.
127. Not bad for hitting, throwing and catching a ball - but also unaffordable.
128. Cauthen was suspended for four days for excessive use and for hitting Witness Box.
129. However, his deeply felt and meticulously researched rhetoric conveyed in all his books is hard hitting, provocative and sagacious.
130. My Ray Cook putter has me hitting 2-footers like Ray Charles.
131. Greg Davis didn't disappoint his teammates(, hitting six field goals in six attempts.
132. Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft! Theodore Roosevelt 
133. Hitting the mark: Can Oxford United keep up their winning ways?
134. All rounder Kevin Dixon has made a big impact, hitting two half centuries and also taking wickets.
135. Anderson Cummins was out last ball, caught by Craig McDermott trying to tie the scores by hitting a four.
136. Lotus, the great innovator, is hitting back with technology, rather than marketing.
137. He played in 133 games, hitting. 291 with 26 homers and 80 RBIs.
138. He had a scar across his forehead from hitting his head on the bottom of a swimming pool.
139. After hitting it in a fairway bunker, he pounded another 9-iron to 25 feet and 2-putted for par.
140. The umpires green-flagged the crash but penalised Stripes for hitting the mark, effectively giving Kanza the race.
141. But then the booze started hitting hard, and I got really scared.
141. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
142. This was followed by the barely perceptible rustle of snow crystals hitting the newly exposed portion of the roof.
143. Today the government launched its latest weapons in a campaign against speeding including this hard hitting television advertisement.
144. Electrons move around quickly, hitting and then rebounding off each other.
145. My sister's been hitting the bottle a lot lately and her work is starting to suffer.
146. This is not to underestimate the Pentagon's achievement in hitting the dummy warhead.
147. For me, the worst part of playing golf, by far, has always been hitting the ball. Dave Barry 
148. Were people peacefully frying up potatoes, or were they hitting one another on the head with their frying pans?
149. I wrenched the wheel round in a tight turn, hitting the pavement as I went.
150. Duquette, pinch hitting for manager Kevin Kennedy, voiced his views at a BoSox Club luncheon.
More similar words: sittingwittingfittingknittingquittingemittingunwittingfittinglysplittingbefittingwittinglyill-fittingunwittinglysitting roomunremittingtransmittinggettinglettingwhitingjuttingrottingcuttingnettingvettingsettingputtingabuttingforgettingplottingblotting
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