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Gradation in a sentence

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Sentence count:56Posted:2017-04-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: degradationgraduationadaptationgratificationpredationvalidationfoundationemendationMeaning: [grə'deɪʃn]  n. 1. relative position in a graded series 2. a degree of ablaut 3. the act of arranging in grades. 
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31. With the in - situ gravel - soil as trial materials, mean gradation is determined by particle size analysis.
32. Strung on a coat of mail, they sparkle in a dramatic gradation of winter tones.
33. Property: grind easily, high transparent, plentiful color gradation, strong tinting , resistant UV and heat, nodiscoloring.
34. Create a glimmering a gradation of colour from sophisticated dark to light shades with every move.
35. The gradation of grinding media is an important factor of grinding efficiency.
36. The suitable ink thickness is the key factor to ensure the typographic gradation quality.
37. The Cockatoo Ridge reserve shiraz 1999 a strong flavour of acinus, complexity, gradation and perfect subtle oak.
38. It is hard to understand all the minute gradation of their bureaucracy.
39. It is worth popularizing as a new type undersurface layer gradation of asphalt pavement.
40. This standard specifies a single - product further collars gradation and test method.
41. The spirit of the common people embodies that theory existence needs gradation. It contains also ideas of the existentialist philosophy, and this has formed Wang Anyi's uniquely distinctive co...
41. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
42. The paper has put forward and testified four utilizable aggregate gradation.
43. Based on gradation decreasing dimension discrete variable optimum method, for established the mathematical model calculated.
44. The influence of different coal sample grain gradation distribution on determination of caking index is analyzed.
45. Such a tabulation cannot represent adequately the complex gradation relationships between the types.
46. The results show that best permanent deformation resistance can be got when continuous dense gradation, which has even arrangement of coarse and fine aggregate is adopted.
47. This texture creates a gradation through a series of selected colors.
48. The gradation in the physical properties of the alkanes is typical of a homologous series.
49. For the simon-pure culture could exceed era, politics, nation, phyle , national boundaries, gradation(, religion and link with the hearts of everybody.
50. GTO over current rapid protection by gradation mode and limited protection conditions are studied based on the features of GTO and over current situation under fault state.
51. The fourth way is taken from the gradation to be found in things.
52. Environmental problems must be studied on a higher gradation, human nature system.
53. The simon-pure culture could exceed era, politics, nation, phyle , national boundaries, gradation, religion and link with the hearts of everybody.
54. But the simon-pure culture could exceed era, politics, nation, phyle , national boundaries, gradation, religion and link with the hearts of everybody.
55. The core sand binder can be characterized with higher strength, easy collapsibility, better gradation and less cost, hence it is particularly suitably used in non-ferrous metal castings.
56. Movie gradation Cist the development and transformation of movie examination.
More similar words: degradationgraduationadaptationgratificationpredationvalidationfoundationemendationradiationself-gratificationcommendationtrepidationretardationintimidationdilapidationaccommodationeradicationrecommendationconsolidationmigrationfoundation stoneemigrationintegrationaggravationimmigrationbiodegradablegravitationalconflagrationinternational relationscongratulation
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