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Gloom in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+16Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: gloominessglumnesssombernesssombrenessSimilar words: gloomygloomingloombloombloomingglowglobegloveMeaning: [gluːm]  n. 1. a state of partial or total darkness 2. a feeling of melancholy apprehension 3. an atmosphere of depression and melancholy. 
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151. Attached to one side was an enormous circular blade; a startling silver against the gloom.
152. As has been said before, there is a general gloom about the farming industry.
153. Rumours of his ill-health had cast gloom over the previous weeks, and his presence - on foot - brought great applause.
154. Stephen climbed on top of the pile of earth and began to fire into the gloom.
155. By four o'clock car sidelights were on,[] small-eyed in the gathering gloom.
156. The wooden black boy in the corner was identifiable by his white gloves in the gloom.
157. What we didn't relish was queuing up again in the gloom of the stairwell to get it.
158. He couldn't read in the dim gloom of the warehouse.
159. But, given the doom and gloom already surrounding the earliest silent movies, maybe he wasn't joking at all.
160. As she approached, she could see three blue lights flashing in the gathering gloom.
161. There was a sense of gloom in the city after the team's loss.
162. As my eyes accustomed to the gloom they began to make out details close by.
163. Edward Johnston's 1915 sanserif lettering for the Underground still strikes an efficient modern note amidst the dirt and gloom.
164. As she stood on the crimson carpet, hesitating, the chandeliers suddenly flashed on, dispelling the gloom.
165. But I felt too gloomy to put myself into the greater gloom of the street.
166. Swallowtail butterflies are spectacular, their bright colours improving the forest's gloom and the glare of the savanna.
167. Powerful searchlights were turned on, but they scarcely showed through the gloom.
168. The only windows in the building were narrow and high, and they washed the enclosed space in an opal gloom.
169. And then Goddard went down into the gully: a place of fear and gloom.
170. To many early rail travellers, however, the gloom of the tunnel was very frightening.
171. It was very easy to imagine eyes peering from the gloom, or strange beings creeping along the path behind them.
172. Faced with economic doom and gloom, the average householder simply goes to the shops, according to a survey today.
173. Back at the truck all was despondency in the gathering gloom.
174. There was a dreadful prehistoric gloom about it; if the black waters were bad enough, this was somehow worse.
175. Instead of gloom and despair, he offered optimism and reassurance.
176. She moved out of the sunlight that flooded in between the nettles and into the dank gloom of the main tunnel.
177. By late afternoon the sky was completely opaque and a thick gloom hung over the ocean as if night had fallen prematurely.
178. The gloom apparent among publishers when President Menem made his appearance to open the book fair was understandable against this background.
179. If you experience economic gloom, you should be able to find financial assistance because you are well placed astrologically in 1993.
180. The fact of the funeral cast a gloom upon the day.
More similar words: gloomygloomingloombloombloomingglowglobegloveroomboomglossyglowerglobalgloballydoomedpolyglotglowwormgloriousglobularballroombedroomboominggloweringglobalizebathroomdoomsdaybaby boomcourtroommushroomdark room
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