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Gabriel in a sentence

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Sentence count:140Posted:2017-11-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bring aboutfabricorielabridgeabridgedcabrioletbric-a-bracfabricateMeaning: n. (Bible) the archangel who was the messenger of God. 
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61. He was told to put Gabriel in the charge of his daughter, and led the way.
62. Gabriel, acting as narrator and addressing the audience throughout, comes to realize he has never truly known his wife.
63. Gabriel, Lambert and Church met the F2B at the rendezvous point and headed for the Front.
64. As Rose left she cast a meaning glance at Gabriel, but she did not speak.
65. She was deeply hurt that Gabriel no longer loved her.
66. Rose had enrolled Gabriel, with a jump of surprise the girl admitted it.
67. There was no church treasure chest as Gabriel had hoped.
68. Aboard the Jeroboam is a madman who thinks that he is the archangel Gabriel.
69. When the rumour reached Gabriel she began to realize what she would say to John Coffin.
70. When Gabriel and she had been a couple they had run into her one day when there had been a freak storm.
71. Bathsheba was walking in her garden, when she noticed Gabriel Oak and Mr Boldwood deep in conversation in the road.
72. Patrick Gabriel had brought corruption, disturbing order, shaking the certainties that Quex needed.
73. But the Fool also possesses a darker side to his character, a touch of Lucifer as well as Gabriel.
74. Bathsheba and Gabriel Gabriel arrived at Boldwood's house about five minutes after the shooting.
75. Gabriel forgot his own sadness when he saw the bitterness and deep despair on the farmer's face.
76. There was only one person whose opinion she trusted more than her own, and that person was Gabriel Oak.
77. Looking over his gate, Gabriel could see a yellow cart, loaded with furniture and plants, coming up the road.
78. It was growing dark, but Gabriel and the other men could not avoid noticing how Boldwood looked at her.
79. It was being driven towards Weatherbury by two farm workers, who had not noticed Gabriel.
80. When Lucie put Gabriel down, he was blowing like a winded horse.
81. My uncle Gabriel, the rabbi, just barely escaped being shot.
82. Gabriel drew only 1, 200 for his fight against Paris Alexander.
83. If she'd been sneaking out at night to meet Gabriel, Veronica could have heard her - and seen them.
84. In his sodden, crushed red velvet, Gabriel felt like a flayed mole.
85. Standing at the top of the steps, Gabriel held out his hand,( thinking to feel rain.
86. This is what it is like being on the outside of a murder case, thought Gabriel.
87. Gabriel carried out Rose's instructions and kept the process of work going, ignoring the intense excitement of all the women.
88. An endless walk it seemed to Gabriel, watching through the slatted door of the barn.
89. Gabriel lives in the Dominican Republic.
90. Gabriel thinks about baseball all the time.
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