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Fuzzed in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2018-09-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: buzzerfuzzfuzzyfuzzinessfuzzy logicfuzzy inferencemizzenpizzeriaMeaning: [fʌz]  adj. covering with fine light hairs. 
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31. For the CIR problem, the structure and training algorithm of FNN are decided, the input and output of FNN are fuzzed and the algorithm is modified.
32. If you're the least bit fuzzed by jet lag, your ability to think and react will be impaired.
33. And three primary parts of fuzzy controller, which are interface of acutance data fuzzed, fuzzy control rules and arithmetic and interface of fuzzy data been legible.
34. By approximating the nonlinear chaotic system with a T S fuzzy model, the nonlinear chaotic system is fuzzed into a local linear model.
35. The spring light was fuzzed out, and fat gray flakes drifted down from the whitened sky, landing in dove-colored piles on the ground.
More similar words: buzzerfuzzfuzzyfuzzinessfuzzy logicfuzzy inferencemizzenpizzeriafuzebuzzabuzzmuzzymuzzlenuzzlebuzz sawbuzz offguzzlepuzzleguzzlerjacuzzibuzzingbuzzardpuzzlerpuzzledbuzzwordpuzzlingpuzzle outguzzlinggun muzzlepuzzle over
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