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Flowsheet in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2019-02-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: flow sheetplowsharefellowshipcash inflowscash outflowscash flow statementstatement of cash flowscowshed
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1. The processing flowsheet of "epidote removal by magnetic separation-calcite and quartz removal by flotation" is selected.
2. Based on the properties, a combined flowsheet of flotation-roasting in air -cyanidation-active carbon absorption was developed. The overall recovery of Au is of 83. 91%.
3. Aspen Plus is an excellent process flowsheet simulation program in all such simulation programs developed successfully.
4. The process flowsheet(, equipment parameter of jigging separation used for waste slag and metal from ferrochromium manufacture is summarized. Its economic result are also given.
5. The flowsheet and characteristics of a lean - burn catalytic combustion gas turbine system were investigated.
6. A flowsheet of TRPO process for removing actinides from high level waste solution is proposed.
7. The reformation of the flowsheet of producing potassium chloride from salt lake brine in Chaerhan area was introduced briefly and systematically.
8. After the technological transformation, the ore processing flowsheet and equipment was improved, and the equipment operation rate and ore dressing recovery rate was enhanced.
9. Thecoordinate model was a flowsheet topology matrix that coordinated the relationship of the unit models. The flotation circuit model was coded as a gen- cral computer simulator.
10. The mineral processing flowsheet and reagent system were investigated and adjusted for a fine refractory leadore.
11. On the basic of this research, a reasonable design processing flowsheet has been made and good ore dressing indicia has been achieved.
11. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
12. On the basic of this research, a reasonable design processing flowsheet was made and good ore dressing indicia was achieved.
13. Beueficiation tests of a siderous andalusite were performed, and a combined flowsheet which include desliming-flotation-magnetic separation-acid leaching was developed.
14. The paper analyzes the advantages to adopt PLC in automatic control system of pump house, and gives automatic control block diagram and control program flowsheet block diagram.
15. The authors have proposed some measures related to germanium concentration without changing of the original flowsheet.
16. Because of soluble copper and floatable gangue minerals in the ore, Cu-S bulk flotation technological flowsheet is adopted and obtain good metallurgical performance.
17. An investigation was made of the flotability and process flowsheet of a certain fluorite ore.
18. This article describes the job in three parts:basic data, process flowsheet and gas balance table.
19. Dongshan concentrator has been transformed to the stage grinding and stage magnetic separation technological flowsheet by adding the trommel screens and low intensity magnetic separator.
20. Pgrolysis mechanism of small - size oil shale was described and its technological flowsheet was introduced.
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