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Flow in a sentence

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Sentence count:247+20Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: glidegushpourrunstreamAntonym: ebbSimilar words: flourfloorfloodfloatflourishlowallowbelowMeaning: [fləʊ]  n. 1. the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases) 2. the amount of fluid that flows in a given time 3. the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression 4. any uninterrupted stream or discharge 5. something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously 6. dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas 7. the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause. v. 1. move or progress freely as if in a stream 2. move along, of liquids 3. cause to flow 4. be abundantly present 5. fall or flow in a certain way 6. cover or swamp with water 7. undergo menstruation. 
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61. Red flags flow in the east wind.
62. Just relax and go with the flow!
63. Many companies fail through poor cash flow.
64. The flow of current actuates the signal.
65. By eleven o'clock, the wine was starting to flow.
66. I love the still flow of the river.
67. Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow.
68. We are keeping our head above water, but our cash flow position is not too good.
69. I found it hard to follow the flow of the argument.
70. He has squared the circle of keeping the City happy and doing something to improve business cash flow.
71. There's a channel in the middle of the old street to help rainwater flow away.
72. Some dense substances allow electricity to flow through them freely.
73. The flow of assistance to Vietnam's fragile economy from its ideological allies has virtually halted.
74. Uneven cash flow proved to be a major headache for the company.
75. The shop has a cash flow of $30,000 a month.
76. The stress of cash flow may let the banks pay higher attention to and even get involved in enterprise management in the capacity of loaners, thereby urging state-owned enterprises to improve management.
77. The continual bombing disrupted the flow of supplies to the ground troops.
78. Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine.
79. I didn't want to interrupt her flow , so I said nothing.
80. Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled region into the no-man's land.
81. Changes in the flow of patients have reduced the number of beds available.
82. Will the West use its influence to maintain the status quo and not disrupt the flow of oil?
83. Diets that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.
84. The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold.
85. They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.
86. They are carrying out research into the natural flow patterns of water.
87. You must use a wide pipe to ensure an adequate flow of water.
88. Ligatures are used in surgery to stop the flow of a bleeding artery.
88. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
89. We hope that the debate on this issue will continue to flow.
90. You must stem the flow of blood from the wound.
More similar words: flourfloorfloodfloatflourishlowallowbelowlowerblow outblow upfollowglowerblow offallow foryellowshallowpillowswallowslow downblow overfollow upfollowingas followsfollow through
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