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Flavone in a sentence

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Sentence count:58Posted:2024-05-19Updated:2024-05-19
Similar words: flavonolisoflavoneflavonoidslavonicflavorflavourflavouredflavoring
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31. We mainly research on the flavone extraction of the Sophora japonica and the separation of rutin and quercetin in this study.
32. AIM the method for adsorbing and separating total flavone in Radix Puerariae and in Folium Crataegi.
33. Objective To study anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunomodulatory effect of total flavone in culture of Saussurea medusa Maxim and the wild one.
34. Flavonoids of Patrinia Scabiosaefolia Fisch are mainly flavone and flavonol including rutin.
35. ObjectiveTo elucidate the relaxant effects and related mechanisms of total flavone from Chaenomeles lagenaria Koidz on relaxant gastrointestinal smooth muscles.
36. To study the effect of microfiltration macroporous resin method in refining of oxymatrine and general flavone in sophora flavescens, and compare with alcohol sedimentation.
37. Objective:To observe the effect of portulaca total flavone(PTF)on cardiac function and arterial pressure of anesthetic rats.
38. Studied microwave-assisted extraction technology and conditions of flavone from garcinia mangostana L.
39. To observe the effect of Pueraria lobata flavone on endurance exercised rat's convalescent liver glycogen and muscle glycogen.
40. Objective To evaluate the inhibitory effect of portulaca total flavone(PTF)on the proliferation of rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells(RASMC) and its mechanisms.
41. Objective:The contents of volatile oil and total flavone in various kinds of Dendranthema morifolium were determined and the evaluation of the quality of Dendranthema morifolium in Hubei was made.
42. In addition, the total flavonoids extraction from panax notoginseng is mainly flavone and the its indicant by analyzing for its coloration reactions.
43. Objective To study the extraction processes of Ginkgo flavone Folium Ginkgo.
44. CONCLUSION: The garlic flavone 2 has a significant antiendotoxin activity on LPS attacked mice.
45. The forming and distribution of total flavone content and vinblastine were influenced by different habitat terms and seasonal variation.
46. The invention provides a new application of a coordination compound of flavone and trace elements as animal feedstuff additives.
47. DFR/LAR is very important enzymes in flavone biosynthesis pathway and have significant regulating function in catechin biosynthesis.
48. Conclusion Ginkgo flavone shows a remarkable anti - aging effect on the D - galactose - induced aging mice.
49. Antioxidation activity of extracts from kumquat with flavone or limonin as solvent was studied by the iodine method.
50. The contents of total flavone in various kinds of Dendranthema morifolium were determined by spectrophotometry.
51. In this paper,( the determination of total flavone content in hypericum ascyron was dis- cussed.
52. Besides the flavonoids of the leaves from three species currant were mainly flavone and flavonol by the methods of coloration reaction and comparing with rutin standard sample.
53. In this paper, the contents of total flavone were determined in Tropaeolum majus by capillary electrochromatography.
54. Results: Using soxhlet's extractor, the content of total flavone is the highest among four technological process.
55. Objective To winnow and establish the optimal condition for ultrasonic extraction of total flavone from christina loosestrife herb.
56. OBJECTIVE:To observe the protective effect of total flavone of Abelmoschl Manihot L medic(TFA)on acute myocardial ischemic and anoxic injury in mice.
57. The total flavone contents in variety of Citrus limon and in Citrus aurantium var. amara were the highest, which were 2.74% and 2.91 respectively.
58. Treatment of 1,3-diketones containing benzoyloxy group in 1% aqueous sodium hydroxide can afford directly the corresponding ring-A hydroxylated flavone.
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