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Flavone in a sentence

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Sentence count:58Posted:2024-05-19Updated:2024-05-19
Similar words: flavonolisoflavoneflavonoidslavonicflavorflavourflavouredflavoring
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1. The flavone glycoside content in walnut benevolence is 0.
2. Phosphorus can promote the contents of flavone. tea-Poly phenols, amino acid and theine.
3. To investigate the protective effects of flavone mixture of crataegus leaves(FMCL)on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion(CIR) injury in rats and its mechanism.
4. Results Determination of the average Contents of Total Flavone in Juglans regia folium is 47.65%.
5. Luteolin is a representational and natural flavone, its distribution is very extensive in the vegetable kingdom.
6. Safflower seed oil includes very rich flavone which can clear up free radical and prevent malignant transformation.
7. Tannin, organic acid, phenolic compounds, flavone, carbohydrate, sterol, triterpene, amino acid, protein, volatile oil and fat were detected, There are higher contents of fat and flavone in the dregs.
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8. Flavonoids of pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum are mainly flavone and flavonol including rutin.
9. By screening, naringinase was utilized to hydrolyze the flavone glycosides in propolis, and the antioxidation of its enzymolysis products were determined.
10. The non- covalent interaction of 7-hydroxy flavone and its phosphate with DNA was studied using ethidium bromide(EB)as a probe.
11. Protein Collagen, Arrow Root Essence, Soybean Flavone, Garlic Essence, etc.
12. Methods The total flavone of Juglans regia folium was abstracted bydissolvent and column chromatography.
13. OBJECTIVE To compare the contents of total flavone between artificial cultivated and wild Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir.
14. OBJECTIVE:The total flavone content (TFC) of Lignum dalbergiae odorifereae (LDO) of various origins was determined.
15. To observe the intervention effect of dragon's blood total flavone on VGSC in order to clarify the utility part of analgesia induced by dragon's blood.
16. Seabuckthorn belonging to Hippophae of Elaeagnaceae is a sheepberry or small arbor with small berries , which is rich in oil, flavone , SOD , different amino acids etc .
17. Objective To elucidate the relaxant effects and related mechanisms of total flavone from Chaenorneles lagenaria Koidz (FLC)on relaxant gastrointestinal smooth muscles.
18. Method:With the amounts of total solid substance and total flavone as indexes, the extraction methods were screened by orthogonal design.
19. Objective To explore the technological processes of extraction, identification and determination of total flavone from folium Camelliae for fully making use of Camellia sinensis resourses.
20. Objective: To evaluate the quality of Ramulus Mori bought from five areas according to the content of flavone.
21. Celosia cristata L. is a traditional medicinal plant, containing several nutrition and other biological activated substance like flavone.
22. Method:Radix Scutellari was fermented by Pleurotus ostreatus and by Aspergillus niger respectively, then the flavone components were detected by HPLC methods.
23. This study aimed to analyze the fatty acid and total flavone content of the Capparis spinosa fruit.
24. CYP93G2 is related to the CYP93B subfamily, which consists of dicot flavone synthase II enzymes.
25. Euchresta japonica the main active ingredient is matrine and oxymatrine, return imply flavone and saponin etc.
26. The result shows that the process of the in vivo dynamics of puerarin is quite similar to that of the flavone of the root of kudzu vine and therefore, the former is able to characterize the latter.
27. It was found that the roots of Smilax China L contained flavone, flavonol, dihydroflavone and dihydroflavonol etc.
28. The main chemical constituents in Perilla Frulescens seeds include fatty oil, amino acids, mineral substances and flavone ect.
29. For functional polymer of rosin allyl alcohol ester, the static adsorption of ginkgo biloba flavone was 22.
30. It revealed that the growth and development and the content of total flavone of Dichondra repens were helpful under 76.19% transparency.
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