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Felt in a sentence

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Sentence count:267+94 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: felt upmatmat upmatt-upmattematte upSimilar words: feltedfellfelonbeltmeltfelinesafelybelt outMeaning: [felt]  n. a fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers. v. 1. mat together and make felt-like 2. cover with felt 3. change texture so as to become matted and felt-like. 
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91. He felt something akin to pity.
92. He felt a brief flash of jealousy.
93. He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.
94. I felt I'd made an incredible discovery.
95. She felt acute embarrassment/anxiety/concern at his behaviour.
96. She felt about in the dark.
97. I felt all cosy tucked up in bed.
98. I felt quite bitter about it at the time.
99. I felt sorry for Blake(, poor devil.
100. The pilot felt that the flight had been jinxed.
101. You must have felt a proper charlie!
102. I felt a twinge of pain in my back.
103. Listening to her recent performance I felt totally transported.
104. He felt slight irritation at being kept waiting.
105. She felt a firm grasp on her hand.
106. She felt no antipathy towards younger women.
107. I've never felt like this before.
108. Mahoney's pulse was racing, and he felt confused.
109. He felt lonely after he buried his good friend.
110. She felt the sun warm on her bare arms.
111. He felt that she had betrayed him.
112. She felt a deep sense of shame.
113. He felt a sharp stab of disappointment.
114. He felt a tingling sensation down his side.
115. She felt tired and a bit fed up.
116. I felt cold and doubled the blanket over.
117. His manner was perfectly amicable but I felt uncomfortable.
118. The gardener felt something hard with his spade.
119. I felt pity for the blind child.
120. He felt angry at the injustice of the situation.
More similar words: feltedfellfelonbeltmeltfelinesafelybelt outsvelteshelterlifelongshelteredfelicitationhit below the belt
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