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Fda in a sentence

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Sentence count:168Posted:2017-09-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damoclesMeaning: n. a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products. 
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121 Wyeth is awaiting FDA approal to sell its new Lybrel pill, designed to eliminate monthly bleeding.
122 The FDA ordered the recall and replace or refund action pursuant to the authority granted to the agency by the 2006 consent decree.
123 The submitted plastic complies with the FDA Specifications for polyethylene olefin polymers requirement.
124 The FDA estimates that unapproved drugs account for 2 percent of all prescriptions filled.
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125 The GMA proposal would require all U.S. food importers to adopt a foreign supplier quality assurance program and verify that imported products meet FDA food safety requirements.
126 In this paper, it is mainly discussed a finite-state deterministic fuzzy automaton(FDA), which is not only equivalent to corresponding fuzzy language and is also equally powerful as other automata.
127 The FDA also has received reports of cases of coccidioidomycosis and blastomycosis, including deaths, in patients treated with TNF blockers.
128 If approved, the FDA said Cymbalta would be the first nontraditional analgesic approved for chronic pain.
129 In April, the FDA rejected Merck's Arcoxia, anarthritis painkiller in the same drug class as Vioxx, eventhough it is widely available overseas.
130 E VIGOR study had enormous financial implications for Merck. If it showed rofecoxib to have better gastrointestinal safety than naproxen , it could be used to petition the FDA for a new indication.
131 Made of high quality food grade silicone materials with FDA & SGS certificate.
132 The suit seeks a permanent injunction preventing the FDA from enforcing the flavor ban on these cigar products.
133 A reformed FDA might thus speed arrial of the long - promised age of personalised medicine.
134 FDA is concerned that these products may contain "diethylene glycol, " also known as "diglycol" or "diglycol stearate.
135 FDA developed the Tomato Safety Initiative in response to recurring Salmonella outbreaks associated with fresh and fresh-cut tomatoes.
136 If there is no established expanded access program in effect for which the patient qualifies, FDA can consider a request for expanded access on a case-by-case basis.
137 On Saturday, the FDA urged consumers to stop using liquid Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and Zyrtec for children and infants after a broad recall late on Friday.
138 Carry cargo container imported raw materials can provide SGS report with the goods, UL Yellow Card, FDA certification, material properties table.
139 But the FDA recommends that no cows from countries with mad - cow disease be used.
140 After reviewing the issues raised in the petition, FDA determined that its standards for approval of the generic drug application for bupropion are appropriate.
141 Since then, the FDA has asked Pfizer to test batches of Viracept made for the U.
142 The group is requesting that the FDA enact a rule that sets a limit on the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons deemed safe for pregnant women and young children.
143 The FDA warns there is a potential for serious maternal heart problems and death if doctors use terbutaline beyond 48-72 hours of prolonged treatment in a hospital or outpatient setting.
144 FDA has traditionally viewed blending of out-of-spec batches with material that is in specification as an act of adulteration, disguising a defect in a batch by blending it with another batch.
145 The Precision device is the smallest rechargeable neurostimulator on the market today and is already approved by the FDA for spinal cord stimulation to treat chronic pain.
146 This procedure allows FDA microbiologists to optimize the recovery of all potential pathogens and to quantitate and speciate all recovered organisms.
147 Until now, the FDA had concluded that the benefits of propoxyphene for pain relief at recommended doses outweighed the safety risks, " the FDA said."
148 Waxes for Poultry Depilation : Be suitable for poultry depilation of duck, goose, which can meets the standard of National Food and Sanitation, its ingredient under the regulations of FDA.
149 Despite two attempts, Merck has been unable to get the FDA to approve Mevacor for sale without a prescription.
150 The FDA approved Voltaren Gel based on studies that together included more than 900 patients with knee or hand osteoarthritis, according to Novartis, which makes Voltaren Gel.
More similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damocles
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