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Fda in a sentence

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Sentence count:168Posted:2017-09-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damoclesMeaning: n. a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products. 
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151 The drugs watchdog, the FDA, said that the telescope’s size might mean that patients will also need a corneal transplant after the operation.
152 A wireless fetal monitor developed by Nottingham University spin-out Monica Healthcare has been cleared for use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
153 The FDA analyzed hundreds of postmarketing case reports of neuropsychiatric symptomsand suicidal thoughts or behaviors suspected of being connectedto the use of smoking-cessation aids.
154 After Vioxx and other safety controversies, "the American people no longer trust the FDA to protect their health, " said Nissen, who has served on FDA advisory panels.
155 "Healthcare providers and patients must be enrolled in the Avandia-Rosiglitazone Medicines Access Program in order to prescribe and receive rosiglitazone medicines, " the FDA statement says.
156 S. population are poor metabolizers. The FDA recommends that health care professionals consider alternative dosing of Plavix for these patients, or consider using other anti-platelet medications.
157 FDA clears apheresis platelets collected with certain systems for routine storage and patient transfusion up to 7 days when tested with a microbial detection system release test.
158 "Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses, " the FDA said in a notice on its Web site.
159 In June 2006, the FDA took action to stop the manufacture of medications containing carbinoxamine (an antihistamine) which were inappropriately labeled for use in infants and young children.
160 Computer- or robot-assisted surgery was cleared by the FDA in 2005 for use in all urological procedures, including the removal of the prostate (radical prostatectomy) because of cancer.
161 Vestal, a Texas doctor who the FDA said submitted falsified data from a drug trial and enrolled patients who should have been excluded for safety reasons.
162 For drug companies, the placebo effect can pose an obstacle to profits--if their medications fail to outperform placebos in clinical trials, they won't get approved by the FDA.
163 The FDA advises that if consumers have any prepackaged, refrigerated Nestle Toll House cookie dough products in their home that they throw them away.
164 Nestle USA, which manufactures and markets the Toll House cookie dough, is fully cooperating with the ongoing investigation by the FDA and CDC.
165 In addition, FDA can initiate a mandatory recall if the agency determines that an adulterated or misbranded infant formula presents a risk to human health.
166 In 1960 the FDA approves Enovid for use as the first oral contraceptive.
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167 The FDA wrote in a separate letter to Lilly and Amylin that, at a medical meeting in Washington in June 2009, company representatives had overstated the ability of Byetta to help patients lose weight.
168 FDA does not believe that maternal dental amalgam fillings put infants at risk.
More similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damocles
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