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Fda in a sentence

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Sentence count:168Posted:2017-09-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damoclesMeaning: n. a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products. 
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1 The FDA has approved Crinone for progesterone therapy.
2 Amgen said it plans to apply for FDA approval.
3 Elan also received FDA approval recently to market a new formulation of the anti-arthritis drug Naproxen.
4 The FDA has also approved the herpes drug Valtrex for suppression of herpes outbreaks.
5 The FDA gave its qualified approval to the drug,[] but suggested that more studies be done.
6 When the FDA approved fenfluramine and phentermine, the agency recommended that both drugs be used only on a short-term basis.
7 The substance may not affect humans. Nonetheless, the FDA is examining it closely.
8 Retin-A won FDA approval in 1971 as a prescription drug for the treatment of severe acne.
9 The FDA approved olestra anyway, with five out of twenty of the committee members expressing strong reservations about its safety.
10 The FDA granted approvals for 105 new drugs last year.
11 Dexfenfluramine, which is currently awaiting FDA approval, also increases serotonin levels.
12 FDA approves cisplatin, a powerful anti - cancer drug.
13 Friday's FDA panel considered only adult use of phenylephrine.
14 The FDA approved a new anti - HIV drug.
15 Exclusively FDA - compliant pure polypropylene micron fiber.
16 FDA approves vincristine, a sister drug to vinblastine.
17 All rubber compounds comply with FDA food additive regulations.
18 The FDA usually follows the advice of its panels.
19 The FDA lacked a permanent commissioner for more than half of former President Bush's eight years in office and struggled through a string of drug safety and tainted food controversies.
20 The FDA warns doctors "not to prescribe Paxil in women who are in the first three months of pregnancy or are planning pregnancy, unless other treatment options are not appropriate".
21 Earlier this month, the FDA released a preliminary report that the salmon "is as safe as food from conventional Atlantic salmon" and unlikely to harm the environment.
22 Although BPH cannot be cured, FDA - approved drugs can often relieve its symptoms.
23 The current FDA - approved labeling for heparin remains unchanged, including the recommended doses.
24 Methods: The teratogenic medicines were classified according to FDA and analysed through related data.
25 Another FDA formal rulemaking dealing with vitamin supplements was an even longer exercise in futility.
26 Entrepreneur Sunny Cloud distributed the test without going through the FDA approval process that Brown completed.
27 Mr Matheson says there is a good chance for FDA approval, although a previous application was turned down.
28 That 1983 order stated experimental drugs could not be shipped across state lines because Burzynski did not have FDA approval.
29 Jasper, though, would take no medication that had not been FDA approved.
30 First, it argues that Congress has declined repeatedly to give the FDA authority to regulate tobacco.
More similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damocles
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