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Fda in a sentence

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Sentence count:168Posted:2017-09-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damoclesMeaning: n. a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products. 
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91 The precedent set by the FDA has been used to pressurise other countries into authorizing the adoption of GM crops for cultivation – or at least for import as food and feed.
92 Tamoxifen approved by FDA for marketing as a treatment drug.
93 Cyclophosphamide an alkylating agent designed to improve the selectivity of cancer drugs approved by FDA.
94 FDA today is issuing a Public Health Advisory (PHA) detailing the removal of pergolide products from the market.
95 FDA believes that there is very little risk of hypomagnesemia when OTC PPIs are used according to the directions on the OTC label.
96 Government agencies such as the FDA require businesses to keep a complete audit trail in documentation,[] electronic or not.
97 The five firms warned by FDA have stated that they produce their topical anesthetic creams as part of the practice of pharmacy compounding.
98 "Based on important new drug safety information, FDA has been working with the manufacturers of pergolide products to voluntarily remove these drugs from the market, " said Douglas Throckmorton, M.
99 Enovid, a drug the FDA approves for menstrual disorders, comes with a warning: The mixture of synthetic progesterone and estrogen also prevents ovulation.
100 The FDA said it was advising healthcare professionals to stop prescribing propoxyphene and said patients taking it should speak to a doctor about switching to another drug as soon as possible.
101 Monolaurin has been recognized as safe by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is known for its antimicrobial properties.
102 The FDA says the lead - tainted ceramics are usually brought into the U.
103 According to the present FDA regulations, the Ma Ling Labels then cannot be used if the lichee is to be offered for import into the Unit ed States.
104 Neertheless, the FDA approed Ketek entirely on the basis of noninferiority trials.
105 To indicate how long a particular drug is therapeutically beneficial, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that most drugs have a stated expiration date.
106 The FDA has already approved DBS as a treatment for neurologic disorders, including essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, dystonia, and severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.
107 FDA is not aware of any U.S. reports of poisonings from toothpaste containing DEG.
108 Under proposed FDA regulations, a four-star rating system for UVA protection will be added alongside SPF.
109 If you're a menthol smoker, now may be the time to give them up for good as the FDA is meeting in mid-July to consider banning the ultimate candy flavored cigs.
110 FDA is concerned about the serious public health risks related to compounded topical anesthetic creams.
111 The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) has ruled that the vitamin B6 compound, pyridoxamine dihydrochloride, cannot be used in dietary supplements.
112 The FDA database also fails to disclose the quantity of products that are refused, so it is impossible to know whether just a box of cucumbers was refused or a shipload.
113 Propecia was approved by the FDA as a prescription drug in 1997.
114 S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) recognizing that soy protein lowers cholesterol 3 andpercent.
115 The FDA has identified 32 cases (22 adult and 10 pediatric) of serious liver injury associated with PTU use.
116 Our associated company there will have the labels printed to comply with the FDA regulations.
117 In view of similar external and internal environment, Hong Kong poses the potential and plans to implement the 1st automatic, efficient and FDA approved plastic bottle recycling plant in Asia.
118 FDA approves doxorubicin, an anti - tumor antibiotic from Streptomyces bacteria.
119 Consumer groups and an FDA whistle-blower have long called on FDA to pull Meridia, in part because so many people have undiagnosed heart disease and are at greater risk.
120 No longer should our legislators be able to publicly excoriate FDA employees while ignoring their own complicity.
More similar words: out-of-dateout of datebreak of dayout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damocles
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