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Drift in a sentence

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Sentence count:231+8Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cruisefloatglidemeanderrambleroamstraywanderSimilar words: rifleterrificliftfiftyfifthshiftgiftedfifteenMeaning: [drɪft]  n. 1. a force that moves something along 2. the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane) 3. a process of linguistic change over a period of time 4. something that is heaped up by the wind or by water currents 5. a general tendency to change (as of opinion) 6. the pervading meaning or tenor 7. a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine. v. 1. be in motion due to some air or water current 2. wander from a direct course or at random 3. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment 4. vary or move from a fixed point or course 5. live unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely 6. move in an unhurried fashion 7. cause to be carried by a current 8. drive slowly and far afield for grazing 9. be subject to fluctuation 10. be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current. 
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121. Sometimes Alek rented a boat alone and let it drift along the river past their building.
122. An earth science example is the publication of Wegener's theory of continental drift in 1912.
123. As a result she starts to drift through space in the opposite direction.
124. The drift of his letter is that he wants to come back.
125. If you have an agitated mind, the tension in your body is not going to let you drift off.
126. I crawl into my sleeping bag and drift off, listening to large creatures moving nearby in a dark sea.
127. Sure enough, in a moment the rushes whispered, and the tiny drift of air came again.
128. Neil said. 59 Arm drift is just the way that neurologists tell that the anesthetic has arrived.
129. Unless the slope of the baseline drift is very steep the decline has few practical consequences except to sharpen competitive pressures.
130. At this point the Arsenal fans began to drift home, their evening well and truly over.
131. By morning thick clouds drift over, but the sky between them is deep blue and occasionally the sun peeks through.
132. But Tory backbenchers are desperate for him to end the drift.
133. Now, in practice the astronaut would not drift across like this as the curvature of the walls would be far less.
134. Disrupting the pavement also allows sand dunes to drift into habitable areas.
135. The party has experienced a drift toward the right in the last two years.
136. The rest is a dark drift of smouldering purple, hanging in the air like smoke from a pyre of burning shoe-gazers.
137. We learn, too, that the great geophysicist, Sir Harold Jeffreys, refused to accept the evidence for continental drift.
138. Without other references to compare it with, the light seemed to drift around in the blackness.
139. Snuggling into Patrick, she closed her eyes and let the memories drift in front of her closed lids.
140. Eventually we drift out into the leafy park behind the museum.
141. If there is any twosome in a family likely to drift apart, it is a pair of brothers.
142. If the system started to drift away from the requirements of a coral reef, Gomez would flush the trays.
143. It reproduces by releasing single-celled spores which drift off in the sea and grow into new plants.
144. Trent wiped the rain from his eyes as he tried to calculate speed and distance against the drift of the Zodiac.
145. The emphasis has to be on quality not quantity, otherwise the game will drift down a cul-de-sac of mediocrity.
146. It was a complicated argument but I think I caught his drift.
147. He brought her into focus,( letting the boat drift out of mind.
148. The cloud tended to flatten into a disk; matter began to drift toward the center, accumulating into the proto-Sun.
149. Finally he would stretch out, his breathing would become more regular and he would drift off.
150. Where languages grow most unlike one another as they drift apart is in the shapes of their words.
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