Similar words: universal postal union, lunisolar, immunisation, semifluid, mellifluous, trifluralin, flung, flunk. Meaning: n. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Dolobid) used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
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1. Diflunisal as a non steroid anti inflammatory drug was synthesized from 2,4 difluoroaniline via improved 5 steps.
2. Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of diflunisal in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative osteoarthritis.
3. Difluorobiphenyl is the key intermediate for the synthesis of antipyretic analgesic Diflunisal.
4. The application and development prospect at the home and abroad of diflunisal are introduced. The character and industrial prospect of some synthetic ways are also reviewed.
5. A new organic-inorganic hybrid material was obtained by the intercalation of the drug diflunisal into magnesium aluminum layered double hydroxides (LDHs).
More similar words: universal postal union, lunisolar, immunisation, semifluid, mellifluous, trifluralin, flung, flunk, uniflow, flunky, flunk out, far-flung, flunkey, diffluent, diffluence, wall unit, malunion, civil union, sisal, control unit, faisal, physical unit, disallow, revisal, political unit, reprisal, uninfluenced, cisalpine, appraisal, fundamental units.