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Database in a sentence

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Sentence count:192+7Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: databasebased onbasementabandona bad egghave a ballbasicMeaning: ['deɪtəbeɪs]  n. an organized body of related information. 
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31 The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges.
32 In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database.
33 They now have a database of information to back their hunches about customers' preferences.
34 You have to enter a password to access the database.
35 They maintain a database of hotels that cater for businesswomen.
36 It will be a lot easier when we have the database up and running.
37 Exam candidates are not allowed to use advanced calculators with database capability.
38 This will be a decision of the database administrator.
39 Specific device drivers are required for each relational database.
40 Word processing, spreadsheet and database applications in development.
41 The ambitious touring database proposals have been shelved.
42 The computers are linked to a central database.
43 An online database, the electronic equivalent of Biological Abstracts.
44 Database management systems are currently host-resident on conventional computers.
45 Then there's the mountain of existing database applications.
46 Some database programs, for example, allow use at the most basic level and produce the required results.
47 The use of such systems involves high costs for telecommunications, database royalties and CPU time.
48 The fee covers the costs of processing requests and maintaining the database.
49 The Centre maintains a documentary resources centre and has recently set up a national ethnic minority statistical database.
50 Researchers compared those estimates with the actual waiting times taken from a computerized database.
51 If it is, you have probably tried to create the new database twice,[] after an unsuccessful first attempt.
52 This will contribute to the design of a new database system for the Society from 1994/5.
53 In addition to this attribute database a cartographic database is also being developed.
54 This saves 50% of the work when inputting into a database and allows for less mistakes.
55 Pantox determines levels of 20 antioxidants including Vitamin E and compares them to its database of 4, 000 blood tests.
56 The Centre will develop scenarios on emerging international markets in services, establish a database and produce company cases recording best practice.
57 Suppose now that we wish to search the database for axes similar in shape to some given axe.
58 The Ingres relational database is no longer bundled, but is available as an option.
59 This is supplemented by the department's own financial analyses which it puts on to its own financial online database.
60 It supports a full complement of networking, interface, development and database environments.
More similar words: databasebased onbasementabandona bad egghave a ballbasicbasketat allbasicallybasketballfatalupdatemandatenot at allto datecandidateambassadorcatalogat a timeat a lossout of datebe good atat any timepredatorat any rateup to dateat any costcase
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