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Curd in a sentence

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Sentence count:110+1Posted:2017-02-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bloodcurdlinghurdlemurderabsurdsturdyabsurdlysturdilytour de forceMeaning: [kɜːd]  n. 1. a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd 2. coagulated milk; used to made cheese. 
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91. Rennin, an enzyme from calf stomachs, but now produced by genetically engineered micrnicroorganisms, can also be used to promote curd formation.
92. Suitable:acidophilus milk cup, pearl milk cup, juice cup, bean curd, fast food soup cup and so on.
93. The rest of the milk let fear or bad,( so they become processed cheese and curd.
94. Fresh bean curd or tofu is not included as it is white and unlucky for New Year as the color signifies death and misfortune.
95. We could have bacon and eggs or fried squid, wonton soup or jellied bean curd.
96. They brought in great quantities of bean - curd, sugar and other easily absorbed foods.
97. Cheese curd inoculation is used in the manufacture of Roquefort and blue cheese.
98. Mapo stewed Bean curd with minced pork in pepper sauce is characterized By traditional Sichuan flavour.
99. Vulvae, vaginal itching, flush with bean curd, vulvae sample, have peculiar smell(, leucorrhea after scratching can cause genital dermatitis eczematous change.
100. The 5 leaves developed at seedling stage played main role in seedling development, 7th to 22nd leaves developed at leaves development stage played important role in leaf fascicle and curd development.
101. Piled bean curd skin and mixed vegetables in turns and baked with Mozzarella cheese.
102. The naturally soft curd formed by goats' milk protein may be easier for your baby to digest.
103. The paper discussed narrated the technical process of active soybean curd powder which produced in the vacuum concentration process.
104. Repeat process to make 6-inch tier, using 2/3 cup lemon curd between each layer and 1 cup raspberries between first and second layers and between third and fourth layers.
105. In the old town strong-smelling fermented bean curd and the fox paste are the local famous snacks, comes Xitang certainly not to miss.
106. This paper introduced the processing technique of the natural cheese. And then mainly studied the basic principle of curd formation in natural cheese production which in the role of renninum.
107. Strodel watches as Yturriondobeitia, working over a stainless steel vat, prepares to drain off the separating milk's liquid whey, leaving a rich, clumpy curd.
108. The second one is WangZhiHe's Stinky tofu(A strong-smelling preserved bean curd).
109. He loves having jellied bean curd in the morning for breakfast.
110. The Determination method of the prefreezed temperature of the freeze-drying of materiel was suggested by experiment with potato, beef and bean curd.
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