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Cosmetic in a sentence

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Sentence count:195+7Posted:2016-11-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: decorativeenhanciveornamentalSimilar words: arithmeticcosmopolitansometimesometimesat the same timehereticpatheticgeneticMeaning: [kɒz'metɪk]  n. a toiletry designed to beautify the body. adj. 1. serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose 2. serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body. 
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31. She refuses to be part of the general cosmetic industry hype.
32. In instances where a flare-up of the disease later attenuated earlier cosmetic benefits, patients became skeptical of surgery.
33. These companies pay lip-service to management development, fashioning their big progressive mouths with a cosmetic of highly developed lipstick techniques.
34. The aim is to tell the surgeons about a survey which shows the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery.
35. Many people wonder for how long cosmetic accounting can hide broken promises.
36. It was said she wanted to play no part in a cosmetic exercise designed to put a happy face on the marriage.
37. Nobody would spend any money on her, beyond a splash of cheap cosmetic on the exterior.
38. A countryside under intensive farming which depends on leisure and service industries is a cosmetic, lifeless countryside.
39. The Government have failed absolutely to tackle unemployment except for some cosmetic surgery.
40. Hirsutism is a less frequent side effect that may be a cosmetic problem in females.
41. Most respondents found it a useful medium for aiding some cosmetic task or other.
42. In keeping with this cosmetic calm, Powell was well-received by convention delegates who applauded him generously at his most inspirational moments.
43. 80% of women who have surgery to enlarge their breasts do it for cosmetic reasons.
44. Lewis's win provided more than cosmetic surgery to the battered, punch-drunk features of heavyweight boxing.
45. Early regular mobilisation of the prepuce after surgery ensures an excellent functional and cosmetic result.
46. Women worried about the cosmetic effects of insect bites on the face make up a significant proportion of those seeking medical assistance.
47. Even with subcultures, it is characteristically the females who are the most susceptible to fashion and cosmetic selling.
48. It would be so even if cosmetic surgery were painless, which it most definitely is not.
49. A cosmetic change to alter the face of the offside rule Talking point.
50. Some nationalists saw it as a cosmetic measure, to end the talks on a high note for Unionists.
51. The sergeant could never understand rich people with imperfect features who did not spend money on cosmetic surgery.
52. All candidates said they were against testing on animals for cosmetic purposes.
53. I have seen too many people who have looked odd after cosmetic surgery.
54. Just like a cattle auction, the women parade themselves around the stage(, making their cosmetic surgeons proud with cleavage aplenty.
55. The house needs no structural work, just a few cosmetic repairs.
56. I feel cosmetic and household testing on animals will soon be a thing of the past.
57. But she managed to find another cosmetic surgeon who would perform the completely unnecessary op.
58. Evidently, cosmetic changes like getting rid of man do not entirely work.Sentence dictionary
59. Those inequities have fed the public unease, and they appear to have yielded at least cosmetic results.
60. Not only do they do you a world of good if you drink them but they also have cosmetic uses.
More similar words: arithmeticcosmopolitansometimesometimesat the same timehereticpatheticgeneticathleticenergeticaestheticmagneticaestheticskinesthetictheoreticalsmellsmell outsmell ofcostmesmerizecostlyharassmentassessmentcostumeat any costat all costsecosystemat the cost ofcometthe cost of living
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